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[2 Sep 2005 by Gnoll | One Comment | ]

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[27 Aug 2005 by Beth | One Comment | ]

Not being outdoorsy people, my brother and I choose to spend Labor Day in the comfort of a movie theater. Most of the choices were pretty lame (penguins, romantic comedies, or pointless action flicks) so we had no trouble in deciding on The Brothers Grimm for our viewing pleasure…

Movie Reviews »

[22 Aug 2005 by Gnoll | One Comment | ]

As I walked out of the multiplex after seeing The 40 Year-Old Virgin, I made a comment to my party about some of the props used in the film. I mentioned that in one scene in Andy Stitzer’s kitchen, there is a bootleg version of the Japanese Beast Wars Neo toy Heinrad…

Movie Reviews »

[30 Jul 2005 by Gnoll | 2 Comments | ]

So a comedian walks in to a movie producer’s office for a pitch meeting. He says “I’ve got a really great idea for a documentary, and I’d like for you to produce it.” The producer shakes his head and turns the comedian away, saying “Sorry, I don’t produce documentaries. They’re too risky”…

Movie Reviews »

[27 Jul 2005 by Baldy | No Comment | ]

Last week, I found myself up in Akron, Ohio. . . again. This time, though, there was no amusing tornado weather to keep me occupied. I wound up at the Fairlawn Regal again, faced another set of annoying movie choices, and settled for the latest installment of Deuce Bigalow

Movie Reviews »

[22 Jul 2005 by Baldy | No Comment | ]

A couple of weeks ago, I was stuck in Akron, Ohio on a business trip. I don’t know anybody in Akron and the weather was threatening tornados. What better to do than head to the local theater (made of nice, sturdy cinderblocks) and catch a movie…

Movie Reviews »

[9 Jul 2005 by Keeferman | No Comment | ]

For a hundred minutes I was filled with dread. There was this unbreakably spellbinding feeling of lurking doom. Spielberg does a great job of making you uncomfortable all the way through this movie. There is, of course, also a lot of action…

Movie Reviews »

[30 Jun 2005 by Keeferman | 3 Comments | ]

Charlie and Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory was good. I’m a big fan of the Gene Wilder original, but they really did a good job with this one. Johnny Depp plays a different kind of Wonka, so it’s cool. He plays it pedo-creepy like Michael Jackson…

Articles »

[24 Jun 2005 by Chad | No Comment | ]

Dear Mr. Neeson,

In my adventures in Hollywood over the past few years, I have not been fortunate enough to make your acquaintance. I am going to be rather presumptuous from now to the end of this letter and call you Liam. You see, Liam, I am a fan. I have been for a long time. Your name alone is enough to get my lazy ass to the theater. I am, most humbly, a Liam Neeson fan…

Movie Reviews »

[21 Jun 2005 by Bobby | 2 Comments | ]

I tend to get really pissed off when comic book movies stray from theirsource materials. I was hurt when I learned Spider-Man‘s webs actually came from his wrists instead of web launchers that he made. But in the end this was forgivable because the good outweighed the bad…

Top Tens »

[16 Jun 2005 by Gnoll | 3 Comments | ]

Movie Reviews »

[3 Jun 2005 by Baldy | One Comment | ]

Tonight was a big night for me. It seems that things have come full circle. In 1977, I remember going to the I-85 Twin Drive-In with my mother and sister in my mom’s mammoth 1973 Malibu Classic station wagon. We backed into the spot and popped the hatchback. The entire back of the car was filled with pillows, and the three of us sat and watched a movie that changed me to the core…

Movie Reviews »

[27 May 2005 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

It’s hard to start a review of The Day After Tomorrow. I mean, I’ve already got a review of Dean Devlin and Roland Emmerich’s other big disaster flick on the site, and after you replace aliens with global warming and a crop of A-listers for B-listers, you pretty much have the same movie…

Movie Reviews »

[23 May 2005 by Gnoll | 7 Comments | ]

There aren’t many movies that generate the hype that the latest and supposed last of the Star Wars films has, despite the fact that this film doesn’t really merit such hype. After two previous installments that are generally considered inferior to the original trilogy, you’d think that Lucasites would be a bit jaded on the franchise…

Articles, Featured »

[17 May 2005 by Gnoll | 2 Comments | ]
The Guide to Inconsequential Star Wars Characters

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[30 Apr 2005 by Gnoll | 2 Comments | ]

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[18 Apr 2005 by JK | No Comment | ]

Sahara is one of those action adventure flicks that gleefully shimmies along the line of absurdity, before willingly pushing itself over the edge so it can plummet to the earth and splat into an uncomfortable mishmash of intestines, blood, and leftovers…

Miscellany »

[14 Apr 2005 by Gnoll | 3 Comments | ]

Movie Reviews »

[8 Apr 2005 by Baldy | 2 Comments | ]

Real life has been happening again, but with increased frequency. Again, I found the need to stop on the way home and escape for a bit. Last night was a doozy. I knew that someone had made Frank Miller’s Sin City into a film…

Articles »

[5 Apr 2005 by TB | One Comment | ]

“Hello my name is _______, and I have a problem.”