Movie Reviews »
I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that Summer sucks. That’s right. I said it. Not Summer Glau, the spunky actress of Firefly fame, but the actual season of Summer. It’s fucking hot. Especilly where I live, in the West San Fernando Valley, where we hit 3 digit temperatures for weeks at a time. The kids are out of school meaning that they’re, like, around a bunch when I go do stuff. There’s no new TV on. …
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So I didn’t go to Celebration today.
I’m tired. I’m broke. And most importantly, there was nothing really going on today I wanted to see. So my CIV experience is over. It was a lot of fun.
There are a few things that I regret missing…
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Okay, if you haven’t done so, go to and watch the trailer for the all new Clone Wars TV show. NOW.
You do it? Good. Wasn’t it cool? Well, again, cool being a relative term. I saw two big panels today at CIV, one involving the aforementioned Clone Wars cartoon, the other involving a man who is in many ways a walking cartoon…
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Yesterday, I got to say Happy Birthday to Star Wars. Today, I get to say it to something more important.
My wife. It’s her birthday.
The fact that she was born exactly one day after A New Hope came out is both good and bad for her. Good, because I will never forget her birthday. Bad, because she will always know why…
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Happy Birthday, Star Wars. Today you turn 30. My condolences. I did that last year. It’s not great.
CIV kicked into lightspeed today with the first full-on general admission day of the ‘Con. More people! More stormtroopers! More shit to buy! More men who have never felt the touch of a non digital woman…
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Today CIV opened its doors to card-carrying HyperSpace Fan Club members only. Of which there are tons. From noon to eight, we have free run of the L.A. Convention Center. Well, kinda. Thing is, on Fan Club Day, there’s really not much going on. Today is pretty much just “buy shit day.” The Star Wars Shop is open. As is the Exhibition Hall, which is just like the Dealer’s room at any other ‘Con, except that 95% of the shit for sale is Lucas-related…
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So today I hauled my ass through the clean and un-congested freeways of the City of Angels, that are not at all terribly designed or life threatening to drive on, to get to the Los Angeles Convention Center this morning. Star Wars is having a birthday, and she’s celebrating alllllll weeeeekkkk llllooooonnnng…
Articles, Featured »

So I am an un-abashed, un-repentant, un-something else, Star Wars geek. Everyone I know knows this. Everyone I’ve ever met probably knows this. It is something that is ingrained in the core of me, something that makes me me. And as much as that fact, at times, makes my wife cry like a widow, I have been this way my entire life…
Featured, Movie Reviews »

There’s an episode of The Simpsons where Homer meets Mel Gibson. Mel is making a remake of the Capra/Stewart classic Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. He has brought Homer in to help him spruce up the ending, because Homer has declared the famous “Filibuster” scene from the original to be very very very boring…