Articles tagged with: Documentary
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Do zombies crave human flesh? What is the black market product that they keep in the fridge? What do they do at Live Dead that makes them prohibit all but a few living humans? Are they content just to continue being until they decay and disappear?…
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So a comedian walks in to a movie producer’s office for a pitch meeting. He says “I’ve got a really great idea for a documentary, and I’d like for you to produce it.” The producer shakes his head and turns the comedian away, saying “Sorry, I don’t produce documentaries. They’re too risky”…
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I didn’t like FAHRENHEIT 9/11. Now, I know that you’ve already got your hate e-mail composed and ready to go, prepared to call me a “neoconservative” or some other ridiculous term that you probably can’t define, but listen up for a second…
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Five years ago, I was working in a mall. My options for meals were pretty much limited to Wendy’s, Del Taco, Chick-Fil-A, and a handful of other joints that were bastions of artery-clogging food products…
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Back in the mid-to-late 80’s, when I was barely hitting the point of puberty, there was a show that used to come on every day after school on the kids’ television jugggernaut Nickelodeon called Nick Rocks…
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Ironically, this review of a movie about comedians is going to be pretty serious. After all, it’s pretty ironic in itself that a film about comedians is pretty serious to begin with…
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For those of you not familiar with MTV’s “Jackass” stunt-and-gross-out show, then I wonder just exactly where you’ve been for the last three or four years…
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I’ve made it no secret here that I’m a huge pro wrestling fan. The denial is over, I’ve been “outed”. Since I began watching almost twenty years ago, there’s barely been a week that I missed my fix of the grappling game. I’ve stuck around during the high points and the low points, pretending I wasn’t interested in the days when it wasn’t “cool” to watch it…
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The Theremin, for those not in the know, is an electronic musical instrument that operates without any contact by the person playing it. Rather, the player’s position in proximity to two points on the instrument decide the pitch and volume of the sound that comes from it…
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It all started about two months ago. I went to check my phone messages one evening and there’s a message from one Mr. Jason Royal, internet Rock Star and proprieter of Completing the Square, letting me know the importance of something coming soon to my local PBS affiliate…