Articles tagged with: Zombies
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This movie has one thing going for it right off the bat. Remember how just the title of Snakes On A Plane made people decide whether or not they wanted to see it? Same thing here. Don’t like zombies? You’re on the wrong website. Don’t like strippers? Hey, I support single moms. Do you see? If you actually decide to watch the movie, you already know that you will at least like the IDEA of the movie…
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Do zombies crave human flesh? What is the black market product that they keep in the fridge? What do they do at Live Dead that makes them prohibit all but a few living humans? Are they content just to continue being until they decay and disappear?…
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My sixteen year old went to see I Am Legend last week and raved about it. Tonight, my brain hurt and I had time on my hands and a buddy from work offered to buy, so we took off for a little escapism.
First, though. . . PREVIEWS!
SEMI-PRO – Will Farrell has found his niche, and that niche is in the seventies. He’s playing the owner of a B-rate basketball team that might get absorbed by the NBA. It also has Woody Harrelson. It might be funny. …
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There’s an episode of The Simpsons where Homer meets Mel Gibson. Mel is making a remake of the Capra/Stewart classic Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. He has brought Homer in to help him spruce up the ending, because Homer has declared the famous “Filibuster” scene from the original to be very very very boring…
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I’m guilty as charged. I’ve never seen 28 Days Later, the Danny Boyle film that begat the sequel 28 Weeks Later. I like Danny Boyle and all, but I hate fast zombies. The explanation by many people that the antagonists in the film aren’t really zombies didn’t help matters, and I just never got around to seeing it. Now that I’ve seen its sequel, I’ll go back and watch it. After all, it’s got to be better than 28 Weeks Later…
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Grindouse is a schlock, B-movie double-feature by this generations “renegade” directors (Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino for those not in the know). The films feature fake trailers by famous horror-movie directors, purposefully scratchy film quality, 70’s-era special effects, and typical Taranntino dialogue. Are they “good” movies? Not really, but it is fucking awesome…
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Usually, the worse a movie is, the easier it is for me to write about it. Somehow, the opposite was true when it came to Redneck Zombies. This movie was easily the worst thing I saw during my Zombie tribute this year, and that’s saying a lot…