Articles tagged with: Action
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So by now, you’ve probably seen Avatar. If you haven’t, you know someone who has. Chances are, that person has told you either how blown away they were by the movie or how bad they thought it was. You probably haven’t heard from many people who said something along the lines of “yeah, it was okay”, because that’s just not the kind of movie this is. It will leave an impression on you, regardless of how apathetic you are…
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Well, the book(s) came out in 1986 and 1987. The movie has been in on-again, off-again production status for twenty one years. It’s been a long time coming. I remember wearing a Comedian smiley face pin back in junior high, people spraying “Who Watches The Watchmen?” graffiti in MARTA stations – kind of my generation’s version of “Frodo Lives!” How do you take the most acclaimed graphic novel of all time and make a movie of it…
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My sixteen year old went to see I Am Legend last week and raved about it. Tonight, my brain hurt and I had time on my hands and a buddy from work offered to buy, so we took off for a little escapism.
First, though. . . PREVIEWS!
SEMI-PRO – Will Farrell has found his niche, and that niche is in the seventies. He’s playing the owner of a B-rate basketball team that might get absorbed by the NBA. It also has Woody Harrelson. It might be funny. …
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So…here’s a look at the origins of the movie Transformers and some of my thoughts on them.
Optimus Prime – In my opinion the best adaptation from toy/comic/cartoon to movie out of all of the Transformers represented. Optimus has all of the classic elements while still being modern. Getting Peter Cullen to do the voice was a great plus.
Bumblebee – A lot of fans have issues with Bumblebee being a Camaro instead of a VW Bug, which I can understand…if you are gay.
Jazz – Only issue here is …
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One thing that seems to be a common observation about the first Fantastic Four movie was that the previews looked cool, but the movie sucked ass. When trailers for the second installment started popping up, people all over the world talked about how cool it looked, but I knew that much like its predecessor, it was going to be a flaming pile of shit…
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I wasn’t going to write about the latest adventure from everyone’s favorie friendly neighborhood web-slinger after seeing it at mindnight on Thursday in a sold-out house, but I feel I have to do so mainly to answer some of the other critics out there.
Spider-Man 3 has been met with some pretty mixed reviews, but most of the criticism has been for some pretty stupid things…
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Grindouse is a schlock, B-movie double-feature by this generations “renegade” directors (Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino for those not in the know). The films feature fake trailers by famous horror-movie directors, purposefully scratchy film quality, 70’s-era special effects, and typical Taranntino dialogue. Are they “good” movies? Not really, but it is fucking awesome…
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I’m 33 years old. For the guys my age, there are certain films that are sacrosanct. The original Star Wars, Red Dawn, Weird Science. . . and Superman. I still remember going to see it back in 1978 with my elderly Aunt Eve – and I realize now what a weird and huge sacrificial act that must have been on her part…