Articles in the Reviews Category
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I will come out and say it first: by no means do I consider myself a gamer. I like video games, and I play them a fair amount, but I’m not a gamer. My interest is very limited when it comes to most of the games on the market. I’ve never even played any games in many of the top game franchises of the last couple decades, but I can keep myself amused on classic Mario games for hours on end. There are a few game series from recent years …
Articles, Reviews »

Some days, I start putting my thoughts together on something, and then it dawns on me – I have a website for this! Not that I update it often, and not that millions of people are going to read it when I do, but it exists for purposes just like this: The moment that Warner Brothers dropped one of the most anticipated superhero films of all time.
Now, I wasn’t particularly revved up about Batman Vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice. And no, it had nothing at all to do with …
Headline, Movie Reviews, Reviews »

I haven’t written a movie review in ages. This site used to be primarily comprised of movie reviews, but evolution was inevitable and I branched out to the point that I hardly ever wrote actual reviews of movies, leaving that to some of the other intrepid authors here. But I actually was god-damned excited to see Avengers: Age of Ultron this week. And I was even more god-damned excited to talk about it.
I’m going to get this out of the way first: Age of Ultron is awesome. And if you …
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Nowadays, everyone has a computer. In fact, you’ve probably got a few just laying around. But just a couple of decades ago, having one was a status symbol, despite the fact that the computers that many of us had weren’t more than glorified gaming consoles. But hey, you put a keyboard on it, and it becomes educational, so it’s much more likely that Mom and Dad are going to go get you an Atari XE than a Sega Master System, right?
Of course, the most ubiquitous of these fancified game systems …
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For those others, though. . . for those who grew up referring to their Frisbees as “my identity disc,” for those who still look at Ducatis and think “How would that look with a frame around it,” for those who have wondered too many times about the physics of converting mass into electrons and sucking a person into a computer. . . THIS IS FOR YOU.
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I’m pretty sure not everyone who reads this site is a fan of professional wrestling. Hell, I’ve barely even touched upon the subject over the last decade and a half, but I’ve been a fan of it all my life. And when I say that, I say it as someone who more often detests the product than enjoys it, but can’t ever fully wean myself off of it. I’ve done that as much as I ever have at this point, eschewing all other organizations other than the WWE, and even …
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It was a lazy Sunday, and I was glancing at the channel listings. And as is often the case, I was treated to the usual – lots of terrible reality stuff, a thousand sports shows, and movies that I enjoy but seem to air all the damned time. I mean, I love Die Hard as much as anybody, but I’m not sure that it needs to be always airing on some channel on my cable listings at some point every weekend. On that note, I’ve never seen White Chicks, and …