Articles tagged with: Conventions
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So if updates have been more sporadic here lately than I had planned, it’s in part because I’ve had some busy weeks. Not just the parts of the week where I’m supposed to be busy doing the menial tasks that help me keep a roof over my head and food in my three hungry dogs’ bowls, but the part of the week where I’m supposed to be taking time to relax and unwind. It wasn’t but a few weeks ago that I headed to Con Nooga for a weekend of …
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Over the years on this site, we’ve covered our time at various conventions. DragonCon, here in Atlanta, has received the most coverage, because it’s an annual tradition. Like all good nerds, we’ve made a couple of pilgrimages to San Diego Comic Con, and supplied plenty of coverage of that event as well. One of the most popular articles on this site covered a trip to Star Wars Celebration, which is a Luscasphile’s dream.
All of those are big Cons. DragonCon practically strangles downtown Atlanta every Labor Day weekend with its …
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Today is the last day at Comic Con, and there’s pictures aplenty, plus some tales of fun in the city Ron Burgundy tells to stay classy. Enjoy day three of our adventures at the nerd capital of the world.
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For day two of San Diego Comic Con, I had an itchy shutter finger, so today you’ll get lots of pictures. And yeah, a little text, but you’re just here to see the cool costumes anyway, right?
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I’ll be covering the events of San Diego’s Comic Con International over the course of three days, to match the number of days I spent at the convention. Check out day one here…
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Tomorrow, MCFTR cofounders Bobby, Terry, and I will hop on a plane and head to Los Angeles to meet up with fellow MCFTR cofounder Chad. A couple of days and a short drive later, and we’ll be at Comic Con International in San Diego, the biggest celebration of all things geek in the known universe. As the weekend goes by, we hope to be able to bring you reports, but at worst case scenario, we’ll have an overall report when we arrive back in town next week. Be sure to keep checking this space for more details, or simply subscribe to our RSS feed to get updates as they happen…
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So I didn’t go to Celebration today.
I’m tired. I’m broke. And most importantly, there was nothing really going on today I wanted to see. So my CIV experience is over. It was a lot of fun.
There are a few things that I regret missing…
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Okay, if you haven’t done so, go to and watch the trailer for the all new Clone Wars TV show. NOW.
You do it? Good. Wasn’t it cool? Well, again, cool being a relative term. I saw two big panels today at CIV, one involving the aforementioned Clone Wars cartoon, the other involving a man who is in many ways a walking cartoon…
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Yesterday, I got to say Happy Birthday to Star Wars. Today, I get to say it to something more important.
My wife. It’s her birthday.
The fact that she was born exactly one day after A New Hope came out is both good and bad for her. Good, because I will never forget her birthday. Bad, because she will always know why…
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Happy Birthday, Star Wars. Today you turn 30. My condolences. I did that last year. It’s not great.
CIV kicked into lightspeed today with the first full-on general admission day of the ‘Con. More people! More stormtroopers! More shit to buy! More men who have never felt the touch of a non digital woman…