Articles tagged with: Music
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This is something a little different than I’ve ever done, but today has been an extremely emotional one for me.
I discovered Prince when I was around seven years old. I remember hearing 1999 on the radio and seeing its video on MTV and instantly calling it my favorite song, and I even had a Hot Wheels Little Red Corvette that was one of my favorites mainly due to the song of the same name.
In 1984, I was in a new school in a new town. The only way …
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The American Film Institute just counted down their top 100 movie songs of all time. And while it seems rather convenient that the list was revealed just a few days before I posted this article, the connection of the two is purely coincidental. This is actually something I’ve had planned for a few weeks, but simply lacked the motivation to get off my ass and compile it.
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As both a movie buff and a musicphile, I tend to pay a lot of attention to the music that appears in film. I think that the music in a film can really make or break it as an accomplishment. One thing I respected about Quentin Tarantino when he hit the scene was his amazing use of music. Obscure stuff from past decades that you hadn’t thought of in ages, used in sequences where it really helped to create a mood. Unfortunately, though, Tarantino was an anomaly. Too many filmmakers consider their musical selections an afterthought, throwing on some of the least-inspired banal crap you could possibly imagine. And all too often, they use songs that have been used again and again and again. And again. And again.
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What’s hysterical to me is that the whole night seemed like a big joke that everyone in the building was in on…except Corey. Seriously. He was up on stage, putting his heart and sould in to the performance like he was Roger Daltrey or Mick Jagger, and the crowd is pointing and laughing. Even his band looked as i they knew they sucked, throwing the occasional smirk out there every now and then.