Articles in the Miscellany Category
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I will come out and say it first: by no means do I consider myself a gamer. I like video games, and I play them a fair amount, but I’m not a gamer. My interest is very limited when it comes to most of the games on the market. I’ve never even played any games in many of the top game franchises of the last couple decades, but I can keep myself amused on classic Mario games for hours on end. There are a few game series from recent years …
Articles, Miscellany, Top Tens »

When I decided to write my defense of The Gobots a few weeks back, I wasn’t expecting to bring back so many fond memories for myself. In fact, I started putting together a list in my head of which of those toys oft-perceived as Transformers knockoffs that could convince even the most jaded toy fan that the GoBots had plenty to offer.
So, without any ado, I present to you the official Dork Droppings list of the best GoBots ever produced!
10. Small Foot
Small Foot just barely beat out Night Ranger …
Articles, Miscellany »

So if updates have been more sporadic here lately than I had planned, it’s in part because I’ve had some busy weeks. Not just the parts of the week where I’m supposed to be busy doing the menial tasks that help me keep a roof over my head and food in my three hungry dogs’ bowls, but the part of the week where I’m supposed to be taking time to relax and unwind. It wasn’t but a few weeks ago that I headed to Con Nooga for a weekend of …
Articles, Miscellany »

Love is in the air! Well, in mid-February it’s more likely that the flu and a few other communicable diseases are what are actually in the air, but thanks to the Hallmark Holiday we all know as Valentine’s Day, men and women scramble to find those tiny trinkets to try and prove to their significant others that they love them more on this day than all the other days of the year. Flowers, chocolates, Mylar balloons, jewelry, stuffed animals, and of course, the multitude of pre-printed Valentine’s Day cards that …
Articles, Featured, Miscellany »

In 1985, Hasbro fulfilled the dreams of millions of young boys by producing the largest playset in toy history: The U.S.S. Flagg, the (no pun intended) flagship of the G.I. Joe toy line. Thirty years later, it stands as one of the most iconic toys of all time, particularly for kids who grew up in the 1980s. For many, it is the Holy Grail of collectibles to this day.
Now, if you weren’t a ten year old boy in 1985 who was obsessed with “A Real American Hero”, you might not …
Articles, Miscellany »

For those of you who know me personally, this is no real revelation. But for many of you reading this site, you may be surprised to know that I’m an AFOL: An Adult Fan of Lego. I confessed my lifelong love affair with plastic bricks a while back on Needless Things, but this may be the first time I’ve ever discussed it here on this site.
As a certified AFOL, I do a lot of things to feed my hobby. I have a LEGO room in my house, after all. I’m …
Miscellany, Podcasts »

The Dork Droppings is back after a few weeks worth of hiatus. Gnoll and TB are back to discuss a wide variety of topics. Among the things we speak on:
Family Guy, Sarah Palin, & the Retarded.
Miley Cyrus’s little sister’s lingerie line.
Toddlers & Tiaras, the worst phenomenon in entertainment history.
Zombie Strippers.
Zombie Retards.
Zombie Cyborgs.
Nazis on the Moon.
Fantasy Entertainment.
Easter Egg outtakes!
Plus, we bring back the Haiku Corner, and a bit of monkey news! It’s 42 minutes of aural ecstasy!
Music Credits: “Ochre Haze” and “Malicious” performed by Cinetrope, from the album “This Strange …