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For the Retarded Podcast, Episode VIII

15 March 2010 by Gnoll One Comment

The Dork Droppings is back after a few weeks worth of hiatus. Gnoll and TB are back to discuss a wide variety of topics. Among the things we speak on:

  • Family Guy, Sarah Palin, & the Retarded.
  • Miley Cyrus’s little sister’s lingerie line.
  • Toddlers & Tiaras, the worst phenomenon in entertainment history.
  • Zombie Strippers.
  • Zombie Retards.
  • Zombie Cyborgs.
  • Nazis on the Moon.
  • Fantasy Entertainment.
  • Easter Egg outtakes!

Plus, we bring back the Haiku Corner, and a bit of monkey news! It’s 42 minutes of aural ecstasy!


Music Credits: “Ochre Haze” and “Malicious” performed by Cinetrope, from the album “This Strange Romance”. Purchase music by Cinetrope here.

For comments, feedback, or suggestions for the podcast, drop us a line at show@fortheretarded.com. And please subscribe to the Podcast RSS feed so you can stay updated when new episodes arrive!

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One Comment »

  • El Ultimo Hombre said:

    I haven’t listened to this yet but based on the show notes I can say the following things:

    – I bet Palin was wicked hot when she was younger. I’d hit it.

    – It took awhile but I finally realized that Noel is right. Family Guy sucks.

    – The Retarded. One more example of something that is funny because it’s true.

    – I’d rather get down with a zombie stripper than Miley Cyrus. Is she even legal? I’m pretty much over the whole zombie thing, it’s really lost its momentum.

    – Same goes for Nazis. So that goes double for Nazi zombies.

    – Fantasy entertainment? Does that mean Miley Cyrus’s little sister’s lingerie line or Percy Jackson? What’s up with that kid anyway? I thought it was a football movie when I first heard the name.

    – Does Ochre Haze have anything to do with spraying deuces? The thick cloud that hangs in the air after a post-apocalytic shit storm.

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