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Dork Droppings Podcast Special Edition!

26 March 2010 by Gnoll One Comment

It’s a special ALL-WRESTLEMANIA edition of the Dork Droppings Podcast! Gnoll and The Phantom Troublemaker run their mouths on the world of fake sports, touching on the following:

  • A recap of this past week’s Monday Night Raw.
  • A rundown of this weekend’s WrestleMania.
  • Predictions, praise, and gripes.
  • An exciting visit from a special guest!
  • Easter Egg outtakes!

Plus, we bring back the Haiku Corner, present a tribute to our favorite dead head-butting schizophrenic performance artist, and bring back the 90 second nutshell! It’s 82 minutes of aural ecstasy!


Music Credits: “Ochre Haze” performed by Cinetrope, from the album “This Strange Romance”. Purchase music by Cinetrope here.

For comments, feedback, or suggestions for the podcast, drop us a line at show@fortheretarded.com. And please subscribe to the Podcast RSS feed so you can stay updated when new episodes arrive!

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