Articles tagged with: Transformers
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So…here’s a look at the origins of the movie Transformers and some of my thoughts on them.
Optimus Prime – In my opinion the best adaptation from toy/comic/cartoon to movie out of all of the Transformers represented. Optimus has all of the classic elements while still being modern. Getting Peter Cullen to do the voice was a great plus.
Bumblebee – A lot of fans have issues with Bumblebee being a Camaro instead of a VW Bug, which I can understand…if you are gay.
Jazz – Only issue here is …
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Since my employer decided last week that they no longer had any work for me and eliminated my position, thus nudging me unwillingly into the realm of the unemployed, I’ve done many a thing to pass the time…
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I just realized recently that in two months it will be the fifteenth anniversary of the original theatrical release of one of my all-time favorite movies, TRANSFORMERS. Not that this is something I was pondering at my own free time, but glancing around certain web resources I noticed that this monumental occurrence was about to take place…