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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)

30 June 2005 by Keeferman 3 Comments


2005, dir. Tim Burton

115 min, Rated PG.
Starring: Johnny Depp, Deep Roy, Saruman Dooku, and a buncha kids.

Review by Keeferman

Charlie and Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory was good.

I’m a big fan of the Gene Wilder original, but they really did a good job with this one. Johnny Depp plays a different kind of Wonka, so it’s cool. He plays it pedo-creepy like Michael Jackson. I almost spit coke all over the kid next to me when at one point Willy warns young Veruca: “Don’t touch his nuts… he’ll go CRAZY.”

This photo is not evidence left over from the Michael Jackson trial.

We all know the story, so I refuse to bore you (or spoil it) with any more details. Of course, it can’t help but be compared to the original. The original did seem a little more magical if I’m remembering it correctly. This one seemed alittle more “realistic”. -Which surprised me since it’s Tim Burton we’re talking about here. Maybe it’s just ’cause I was expecting something alittle more surreal. Whatever. It’s all good.

The only thing that concerned me was the Oompa Loompas. Instead of 100 midgets, they had one little African-Indian guy computer-duplicated a hundred times. Combine that with the guy playing Wonka’s dad and you have something unsettlingly familiar. (Is it just me or have we already SEEN Christopher Lee cameos spliced amid scores of exotic clones this year?) Rumor is that they couldn’t find enough little people, so they threw 500,000 British Pounds at him. I guess that works out to about $1.50 per hour, per Oompa Loompa. He shoulda hadda better agent. You CAN’T have a better name though. His name is Deep Roy. Seriously.

So many Deep Roys, so few Dakota Fannings. I was also surprised (if you can’t tell already) that the ubiquitous Ms. Fanning wasn’t in this movie even though the script called for not just one, but TWO precocious little girls. Apparently the five releases bearing her name this year (Nine Lives, Hide and Seek, War of the Worlds, Lilo & Stitch 2, Dreamer) didn’t leave room for a sixth. Oh well. The two actresses playing Veruca Salt and Violet Beauregarde were precocious enough themselves. The kids playing Adolphus and Mikey did decent jobs too. The kid playing poor Charlie Bucket though… he was so damn cute and so damn humble, he out-endeared even Dickens’ Tiny Tim from A Christmas Carol. God bless them Buckets, every one.

Good movie. Well done. Truer to the book, but nothing spectacular enough to detract from the original movie. Obviously I’m still more sentimental about the Wilder version. I’d definitely recommend this one too if you haven’t seen it yet. Good, clean fun. Johnny Depp and Tim Burton have done it again.


  • Pete (Row D, Seat 15) said:

    No. No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No. Tim Burton Fails Again. Could someone please stop him? There is a phrase we now use when we see a movie of his with a point where it goes from “Good” to “Suck” in the time it takes to raise the Enormous Popcorn Bag to your face as a kind of shield against crimes of cinema.

    That phrase is “And then the monkey lands.”

    You know what I mean.

    You are watching this film, thinking “It’s actually quite good” and then it all falls apart. In this case, it combines with the other failing.

    What is with Burton and Spielberg? What the fuck did their parents do to them to give them such abandonment issues? Check every single film they have made: no child has two normal parents. No adult character had a good relationship with their mother/father who has recently died/disappeared/reappeared.

    Even Indiana Jones has it. ET. Big Fish. Planet of the Apes. AI. Someone must stop these people.

  • Roxy said:

    This movie is wack. i fell asleep watching it half-way. i mean the story is interesting but the oompa loompas just got on my nerves especially their songs. Do yourself a favor and dont watch this movie ..unless ur like in love with jonny depp like i am. haha

  • Jen said:

    I just watched this movie on TV (since I was reluctant to spend money to see it in theaters when it was released). I couldn’t beleive that a masterpiece such as Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Facotory could be so brutally distroyed from this movie!!! I thought it was creepy and Depp should stick to roles such as Captain Jack Sparrow or Edward Sissor Hands. I was hugely disappointed and glad that I still have the original film. NEVER REMAKE A CLASSIC HOLLYWOOD UNLESS YOU’RE SURE IT CAN EXCEED THE ORIGINAL…WHICH IS NEAR IMPOSSIBLE TO DO!!!

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