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MCFTR Haiku Corner: Chad’s Entries

10 April 2003 by Chad No Comment

i'm sorry

by Chad Shonk:

Chad may be a big movie guy now, but he’s still responsible for dragging down the content of this website with his horrible poetry way back in the day. Also, he stole this idea from Terry, which makes him even twice as guilty of horrible crimes against humanity.

The importance of being smokey
Craig, you my nigga.
You didn’t have shit to do.
You steal those boxes?

The diggable planet
Where has my sled gone?
Fat and bearded; black and white.
Unicron commands.

A concise critique of Johnny Depp’s new film
fuck the astronaut
and please fuck his cute blonde wife
with an oil rig drill

Wall paper peelin’
Charlie’s shotgun a rumblin’
The life of the mind

It’s groundhog day, man
it’s groundhog day, man
it’s groundhog day, again, man
it’s groundhog day, man

Her pretty head
lust, sloth, pride, envy,
gluttony, wrath, greed, and then
well, we’ve got a box

This bit of poetry dedicated to joe pantiliano
fair gina gershon
jennifer’s hand in her cunt
go make the matrix

One point twenty one
some serious shit
at eighty eighty miles per hour
and some gigowats

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