MCFTR Haiku Corner: TB’s Entries

by TB:
He started it. He Started it. It’s all his fault that everyone here decided to go the bad poetry route. He should be hung up by his toes and spanked, except that we already cut off his toes for that COUNTRY BEARS article.
Swayze Dancing
I’m getting Dirty.
Pointless break dancing Swayze.
Sweep up the Roadhouse!
Rose McGowan is Good for Something
Hit fast foward please
Get to the part where she says
put your dick in me.
Take off her panties
I got Wood from crossdressing
Karlof! Suck my Shit!
Plastic Surgery,
Sarah Jessica Parker,
Plastic Surgery!
Exit to Eden
Delany was hot,
Rosie in S & M wear?
I almost threw up!
Witches are okay
But they don’t like cameras.
Stay out of the woods!
If I were Jarmusch
I’d invest in a dolly
to confuse people.
Coke makes you skinny.
Dead guy in a little coat.
How’d he stay so fat?
How’s the Weathers?
I’m Action Jackson.
I’ve got a prosthetic hand.
Thanks a lot Happy!
Project XXX
Is this a wet dream?
Helen Hunt and Chimpanzees?
Better than porno!
Advertisement Haiku
Don’t feel like a Ho.
Stripping pays your tuition
at the Player’s Club.
Black Dog
Ten Four Good Buddy.
He’s gonna hijack that load!
Eighteen wheeled Meat Loaf.
Swinger haiku
You’re money baby
Thats what all the babys say
It gets redundant.
Being Chris Tucker
Sittin on the porch
Deebo stole my bicycle!
And you know this, man
Everyday is Halloween
Jamie Lee Curtis
Don’t upset little brother
Stay dead already.
Dick LeRant is dead
I am Bill Pullman
No! Balthasar gets more sex.
damn crazy highway.
The importance of being James
Spader sexcapade!
In cars,with Rob, with video
I have sex a lot
Lucky Andrew Stevens
Shannons sagging tits
brings tears to my night eyes
We love our showtime
Jimmy Dean sausage
its bisexuality
Cant this porsche go faster?
East rebel giant
Snack pack you’re the coolest!
Shampoo is better
Its nudie magazine day
Watch out for penguins
Silly Musings
Debbie did Dallas
and Herbie went bananas
such is a bug’s life.
Attack of the Clowns
I liked Anakin
Much like Anakin likes sand.
Damn whiny jedi
Hayden got Lucky
Tatooine is hot
Turn up the AC some more
Padme nipple fest
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