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MCFTR Haiku Corner: Noel’s Entries

1 May 2003 by Gnoll No Comment

i'm sorry

by Noel Wood
The webmaster of the site here can’t deny that he’s dipped his pen in the ink of bad poetry here as well, as he’s contributed quite a few bad haikus himself. Also, he feels it makes him seem more intelligent when he writes in the third person.

President Pullman

Evil aliens
Put the Fresh Prince in peril
Thank God for Goldblum!

The Phantom Penis
Little Anakin
Gets it on with Natalie.
Jedi Powers rule!

Teen Wolf Also
Lame Jason Bateman
Thought he could pull off Teen Wolf
He’s no Michael J.

To drink Jo-bu’s rum
Is very bad. Very Bad.
Up your butt, Jo-bu!

Top Dog
What’s going on, Chuck?
Why are you in Dog movies?
Is Norris Washed up?

“Weird Al”: Auteur
Drink from the firehose!
Stanley Spedowski’s playhouse
is on UHF.

Frank Booth
Do the chicken walk.
Don’t you fucking look at me!
Baby wants to fuck.

Bezoomny haiku
Bloody Horrorshow.
Some of the ultraviolence
and in-out in-out.

The Jersey Trilogy Haiku
Dante and Randal
sit on their asses all day.
A Clerk’s life is great.

Brody and T.S.
running away from LaFours.
What lame-ass Mallrats.

Holden and Banky
argue about lesbians.
they’re Chasing Amy.

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