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MCFTR Haiku Corner: Bobby’s Entries

15 May 2003 by Bobby No Comment

i'm sorry

by Bobby:

Bobby may pretend to take the high road by only contributing three whole haikus to our site, but it still doesn’t change the fact that he did it. In fact, the idea that he only submitted three leads me to believe that he actually thinks these are good or something.

There is no Dana only Zuul

“I’m the keymaster.”
“And I am the gate-keeper.”
Who ya gonna call?

The Sheep-Pig 1.0
Farmer Hogget’s proud.
“That’ll do pig. That’ll do.”
Babe is on the scene.

The Sheep-Pig 2.0
The farm’s in trouble.
“Save the farm Babe, save the farm.”
Babe is on the scene.

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