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MCFTR Haiku Corner: Jay’s Entries

10 May 2003 by Jay No Comment

i'm sorry

By Jay “Me So” Hornsby
Jay had penned a couple of articles for the site before deciding that he couldn’t stand not being on the haiku bandwagon. I guess some people might think these are pretty funny, but some people think root canals are funny too.

Run Leo Run
Run Leonardo,
Forrest Gump is chasing you,
Who are you today?

Rotten to the Core
Drilling to the Core,
It’s Armageddon, but not.
Lucky, no Affleck.

Adapt This
You watch me writing,
What you are watching on screen.
Two voices collide.

From: Swimfan Re: Suck
Worst title ever,
Cheezy Fatal Attraction,
For the kids today.

For Proof Hookers Don’t Kill Careers See ‘About a Boy’
Looks like a chick flick,
Forced to watch by my girlfriend,
Turned out damn funny.

Swept Under the Rug
Movie I’ll not see.
Saw Body of Evidence.
Saw all I needed.

Dare to Make a Good Movie
It’s sad when Affleck
“was da bomb in Phantoms, yo”
Is best part of film.

I Spy Something Godawful
Crappy buddy flick,
Owen can do much better,
Eddie please retire.

5 Hours With Kevin Smith
It’s fat man talking,
Not being so silent, still
Better than Dogma.

Rush 2 Exits
When will rappers stop
Trying to act? I guess when
They stop getting paid.

Bringing Down the Career
The genius that was
The Jerk, now reduced to this.
Need money that bad?

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