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[27 Mar 2003 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

Normal people have the Super Bowl, I have the Academy Awards. I faithfully watch the presentation each and every year, usually attending a party in the process. This year, I decided to take it upon myself to play the host of my own Oscar Party, even going so far as to deck out the place with red carpet and require a semi-formal dress code.

Movie Reviews »

[25 Mar 2003 by Gnoll | One Comment | ]

Some movies you watch because they’re supposed to be good. Some movies you watch because they might be so bad they’re good. And then some movies you watch like you would an automobile accident: with a morbid curiosity…

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[22 Mar 2003 by JK | No Comment | ]

Hollywood loves a trend. Lately, the hot trend has been to remake classic horror films. After offering up certified clunkers like HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL and THE HAUNTING, they’ve managed to yank a quality flick out of their ass a time or two…

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[20 Mar 2003 by Gnoll | 3 Comments | ]

Just another boring morning in history class. The teacher is droning on and on about the Mongols. When suddenly, soldiers parachute from the sky. The teacher walks outside to see what’s going on. And is promptly gunned down in front of the entire student body.

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[18 Mar 2003 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

SUPERMAN is truly going to be dead if any of what I mentioned happens. You see, DAREDEVIL irked comic fans, but no matter how much Bobby and Chad adore that funny book, it’s not anywhere near as sacred as Superman. You just can’t fuck with the Man of Steel, but it looks like Warner has finally decided to do so. They obviously haven’t learned from the failures of the Schumacher BATMAN era.

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[17 Mar 2003 by Gnoll | One Comment | ]
The Natural History of the Chicken (2000)

It all started about two months ago. I went to check my phone messages one evening and there’s a message from one Mr. Jason Royal, internet Rock Star and proprieter of Completing the Square, letting me know the importance of something coming soon to my local PBS affiliate…

Movie Reviews »

[13 Mar 2003 by Gnoll | 4 Comments | ]

Remember that cool little action movie about fast-moving vehicles starring Tom Cruise, directed by Tony Scott, produced by the team of Jerry Bruckheimer and Don Simpson, and released by Paramount? No, not TOP GUN. The other one…

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[11 Mar 2003 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

Crispin Glover is just cool. Unusual, certainly, kind of creepy, admittedly, but he’s just one cool actor. Now to the average moviegoer, he’ll likely be best remembered as George McFly from BACK TO THE FUTURE…

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[10 Mar 2003 by TB | No Comment | ]

I submit this warning in hopes that you will not fall prey to the ever sneaky ploys of Hollywood…

Movie Reviews »

[5 Mar 2003 by Gnoll | One Comment | ]

I work in a cubicle farm. In fact, I’m sitting in one of these cold, uninviting grey dwellings as we speak typing this very sentence. When I first saw OFFICE SPACE three and a half years ago, I was still in a retail environment and months away from my eventual cube-dwelling nature…

Movie Reviews »

[3 Mar 2003 by Gnoll | One Comment | ]

Some things are just timeless. When Jim Henson created Kermit the Frog decades ago, I’m sure he was hardly expecting the little green fella to become a universally recognized symbol of children’s entertainment…

Movie Reviews »

[27 Feb 2003 by Gnoll | 6 Comments | ]

THE BIG LEBOWSKI. It’s a film that many have seen, and that many love. It’s something that I’ve seen at least a dozen times and have never grown tired of. It’s not a flawless film, and by no means is it the greatest film in the world…

Movie Reviews »

[26 Feb 2003 by Chad | No Comment | ]

I’m not afraid to tell you that I was shaking going in to see DAREDEVIL. “Why?” you ask? Has Hollywood finally turned Chad into a cokehead? Well, of course, but that’s not why I was shaking. Do you have some sort of palsy? Well, maybe, but that’s not it either. I was shaking because I was so fucking scared of this movie…

Movie Reviews »

[25 Feb 2003 by Bobby | No Comment | ]

I’m really kind of upset about this movie. Being a lifelong Daredevil fan, I really hoped that they wouldn’t screw this one up. I’ll say this first: even if you have never read a Daredevil in your life, this still isn’t a very good movie…

Movie Reviews »

[23 Feb 2003 by Gnoll | One Comment | ]

The gloves have been off for some time. I don’t particularly care for Will Ferrell. It’s one of those things, like my distaste for THE MATRIX and the Beastie Boys, that most people don’t understand…

Articles, Featured »

[19 Feb 2003 by Gnoll | One Comment | ]
Mr. T’s Career Highlights

Here’s a guy who has risen to celebrity status despite adversity, and has struggled through many of life’s hardest obstacles to remain in the spotlight. But the man born Laurence Tureaud is more than just a big muscular guy with a mohawk. He’s a real live pop culture icon, and has been a staple in the industry for over twenty years.

Movie Reviews »

[16 Feb 2003 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

First things first: I would have liked to have put up a review of DAREDEVIL last week, but I decided to hold off on the review since I figured our very own Bobby would be a lot more qualified to comment on the film…

Reviews »

[15 Feb 2003 by Gnoll | 2 Comments | ]

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[11 Feb 2003 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

Movie Reviews »

[10 Feb 2003 by Bobby | No Comment | ]

Add an aging Al Pacino who is again playing himself (I hate admitting this, cause Al rocks, but…) and a young, hip Colin Farrell and you’ve got The Recruit, the newest generic spy-thriller from Roger Donaldson, director of other generic films such as Dante’s Peak, Species, and The Getaway…