Movie Reviews »

[23 Mar 2005 by Baldy | One Comment | ]

I’m a fan of the 1995 adaption of the Elmore Leonard novel Get Shorty. I loved the book, as I do most of the stuff that Leonard has written. His works translate so easily onto the big screen. After all, this is the man responsible for Jackie Brown, Out Of Sight, Mr. Majestyk and many others that I personally happen to love…

Movie Reviews »

[16 Mar 2005 by Gnoll | 2 Comments | ]
Pretty in Pink (1986)

So I’m watching Pretty in Pink last night. The John Hughes-penned Pretty in Pink. Until recently, I assumed Pretty in Pink was actually directed by Mr. Hughes, but it turned out I was wrong. Howard Deutsch was behind the camera for this one…

Movie Reviews »

[1 Mar 2005 by Baldy | No Comment | ]

Friday night was date night, and Stace and I went out to see Constantine. I’d read the comic book Hellblazer for several years and really like the whole bit: the characters, the setting, the art and the attitude…

Movie Reviews »

[22 Feb 2005 by JK | No Comment | ]

There was once a time, not too long ago, when I considered Jackie Brown to be the weakest of Quentin Tarantino’s films. After watching it the first time, I came away feeling very underwhelmed. “That wasn’t anything like Pulp Fiction”…

Miscellany »

[1 Feb 2005 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

Articles »

[31 Jan 2005 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

Movie Reviews »

[27 Jan 2005 by Baldy | No Comment | ]

It was Monday night, and Chris and I wanted a guys’ night out. I’d
already seen the Lemony Snicket movie and wasn’t really up to watching the House of Flying Daggers, so we settled on Elektra, instead…

Movie Reviews »

[21 Jan 2005 by Baldy | No Comment | ]

I’ve been really digging movies in the “really stupid but fun” category
lately. Maybe it’s the job pressure, or the ever-changing dynamics at home, but I need the occasional escape in which someone else looks like an idiot for a while…

Movie Reviews »

[7 Jan 2005 by Baldy | No Comment | ]

Okay, you cotton-headed ninnymuggins. I realize that you may never have
heard of this film, or may have heard of it and never bothered to check it out. Some of you may even actively avoid catching reference to this movie. Screw you guys! This movie is one of my top 5 of all time and I’m gonna freaking talk about it…

Movie Reviews »

[3 Jan 2005 by Baldy | No Comment | ]

There are some movies that make it on raw intensity of plot. Others rely on character development and interaction, setting, sex appeal, shock value, and all kinds of other crap. Still others just reek of style…

Movie Reviews »

[27 Dec 2004 by Gnoll | One Comment | ]

Before I can get into my honest criticism of the film Spice World, I feel that it is my duty to explain to you my brief history with the film’s stars: those five bubbly brit girls known collectively as the Spice Girls…

Movie Reviews »

[22 Dec 2004 by Gnoll | One Comment | ]

The MCFTR 2004 Mini-tribute to the Christmas Horror flick wound up being a little thinner than I expected, but at least we managed to dig up a few gems in the process…

Movie Reviews »

[17 Dec 2004 by Gnoll | 4 Comments | ]

Ahh, the killer Santa. Somehow, in the annals of Hollywood, this has become quite the sub-sub-subgenre of Horror films. Probably made most famous by the 1984 classic Silent Night, Deadly Night, this niche has given viewers plenty of alternative Yuletide movie nights…

Movie Reviews »

[15 Dec 2004 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

Nothing says “Happy Holidays” like a good Christmas-themed slasher flick, and this year, MCFTR has decided to cover some of the finest in that small but significant subgenre…

Movie Reviews »

[14 Dec 2004 by Baldy | No Comment | ]

Our beloved webmaster asked me a few weeks ago if I could send in some reviews for Christmas, Thanksgiving, Kwanzaa, Festivus, whatever. Disregarding what the last couple of months had been like and oblivious to the future, I said “Sure”…

Movie Reviews »

[11 Dec 2004 by Gnoll | One Comment | ]

When I said this was the 2004 Secular Holiday Extravaganza, I wasn’t lying. This year the focus won’t just be on regular ol’ Christmas movies. Yes, I’ve decided to foray into the exciting world of Hanukkah (Chanukah?) flicks, a genre that includes Adam Sandler’s first stab at an animated feature, EIGHT CRAZY NIGHTS as well as, uh, well, I think that’s it…

Movie Reviews »

[1 Dec 2004 by Keeferman | No Comment | ]

Jeebus. YES, Oliver Stone, WE ALL KNOW that Alexander the Great was really a great pillow-biter and that this fact has been carefully skirted in other biographical movies
such as the old Richard Burton version…

Movie Reviews »

[29 Nov 2004 by Gnoll | 9 Comments | ]

It’s officially after Thanksgiving, which means that my [insert preferred Winter holiday celebration] season has officially begun both in my real life and here at MCFTR…

Movie Reviews »

[24 Nov 2004 by Chad | No Comment | ]

I like things that come in twos. Popsicles. Reese’s Cups. Breasts. Battles of Bull Run. Anyway. Couples, pairs, are a natural, organic occurrence. Positive and Negative. Yin and Yang. Bert and Ernie…

Movie Reviews »

[22 Nov 2004 by Bobby | 10 Comments | ]

Now even though the column this is from in Premiere Magazine has a satirical approach to film criticism, truer words have never been written by any film critic. BATMAN AND ROBIN is one of the worst movies ever made in the history of Hollywood…