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[5 Oct 2003 by Bobby | No Comment | ]

I’m gonna sine your pitty on the runny kine. Ima sine, cappa my jammy… wadda-tah. Sa da tay.

Movie Reviews »

[2 Oct 2003 by Chad | No Comment | ]

Yes, this is a review of KILL BILL, VOLUME ONE. But this is also going to hit some personal notes, as my relationship to this film is a little different than most that I see…

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[1 Oct 2003 by Gnoll | 7 Comments | ]

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[26 Sep 2003 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]
The Rundown (2003)

In the very opening scene of THE RUNDOWN, there’s a shot of California Gubenatorial candidate Arnold Schwarzenegger passing by and mumbling something to the film’s star Duane Johnson (a.k.a. The Rock) that’s so quick you might miss it if you blink…

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[25 Sep 2003 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

I’ve decided to make it a point to wind up reviewing all of the Muppet theatrical feature films by the time it’s all said and done. At this time, there are a total of six that have been released…

Movie Reviews »

[22 Sep 2003 by Gnoll | 2 Comments | ]

Every now and again, just when I think there’s no hope for the film medium, just when I’m pretty convinced the entire industry has gone to shit, along comes a little movie like AMERICAN SPLENDOR to lift me off my feet. It didn’t take a big budget or a significant historical event or camera tricks and plot twists…

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[19 Sep 2003 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]
Beyond the Mat (1999)

I’ve made it no secret here that I’m a huge pro wrestling fan. The denial is over, I’ve been “outed”. Since I began watching almost twenty years ago, there’s barely been a week that I missed my fix of the grappling game. I’ve stuck around during the high points and the low points, pretending I wasn’t interested in the days when it wasn’t “cool” to watch it…

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[18 Sep 2003 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

Articles, Bootleg Toys »

[15 Sep 2003 by Gnoll | 4 Comments | ]

Movie Reviews »

[15 Sep 2003 by Baldy | No Comment | ]

The biggest Mexican you’ve ever seen (“big as shit!”) has to deal with a bunch of actors that he thought he’d killed in ONCE UPON A TIME IN MEXICO…

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[14 Sep 2003 by Jay | No Comment | ]

Everybody makes mistakes. I’ve made them, you’ve made them, and lord knows the stars of NARC have made them. Glaring ones like SOLARBABIES and SPEED 2 jump off the page of Jason Patric’s resume. For Ray Liotta, though, these mistakes are a little more painful…

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[12 Sep 2003 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

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[9 Sep 2003 by Gnoll | 3 Comments | ]

I grew up a Ramones fan. Since I discovered them in my early teen years, a good decade or so after their prime, they’ve kind of been a staple in my collection. Of course, as a result, I first saw their Roger-Corman-produced movie ROCK N’ ROLL HIGH SCHOOL way back in 1989 or so, and remember loving it despite it being one of the worst things I had ever seen…

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[3 Sep 2003 by Gnoll | One Comment | ]

This past weekend was a virtual cornucopia for MCFTR goodness, with me attending a theatrical showing of THE BIG LEBOWSKI on Friday night and lots of fun at Dragon*Con on Saturday. Sunday night, however, I got to enjoy Drive InVasion at the Starlight Drive In in East Atlanta…

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[20 Aug 2003 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

I suppose I shouldn’t fault Steven Soderbergh for wanting to experiment, but I’m starting to wonder just where his head is. The man who made his mark by rekindling interest in the indie film with 1989’s SEX, LIES, AND VIDEOTAPE has gone on to have quite an interesting career…

Movie Reviews »

[18 Aug 2003 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

The first thing I wish to nitpick today is the pronunciation of the word “Versus”, generally abbreviated as “Vs.”, as it is in the title of the movie I’m reviewing here. The word is Versus. It has, count ’em, two syllables, both of which need to be pronounced at all times…

Movie Reviews »

[15 Aug 2003 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

Normally, I’d leave a strange little movie about deviant sexual activities for Terry to review, but he was apparently catatonic after seing this movie and never got around to writing about it…

Movie Reviews »

[15 Aug 2003 by Baldy | One Comment | ]

I have two caveats for anyone who reads this. One, I didn’t pay the attention to this movie that I should have. That didn’t stop me, though, because Two: this has some spoilers. People die in this movie…

Articles, Bootleg Toys »

[15 Aug 2003 by Gnoll | One Comment | ]

Movie Reviews »

[10 Aug 2003 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

Yep, That’s Dick. As in President Richard M. Nixon. Or as in penis, which this film likes to point out every chance it gets…