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The Last Five Movies What I Seen

5 October 2003 by Bobby No Comment

Five mini-reviews by Bobby

Honestly, this is one of the best films I have ever seen. No matter how hard I think about it, I can’t find a single thing wrong with this movie. Even the English voice actors are great, which is in itself a great feet. It is truly a masterpiece and a prime example of a film also being a work of art. If you have not seen Spirited Away, do so. It is truly the kind of film that can change the way you think.

Add vampires and werewolves to The Matrix with a Romeo & Juliet style family feud and you’ve pretty much covered everything in Underworld. I really dug it. There’s some bad acting but if you are wowed by the action sequences in The Matrix and think vampires and werewolves are cool, then you’ll probably like it. Oh, and Kate Beckinsale is super hot.

Overall this movie is really boring. As far as movies about cool brothers wearing 70’s clothes and sportin’ afros go, The Ladies Man is much funnier. Undercover Brother does have James Brown in it though. Still, I’d skip it.

I’m gonna sine your pitty on the runny kine. Ima sine, cappa my jammy… wadda-tah. Sa da tay.


Ok, so they aren’t actual films but they are big enough to deserve being talked about.

Based on the trailer I think Return of the King is going to be the best of the series. There are so many important events that have to occur and the climatic battle is probably going to dwarf The Two Towers’ Helms Deep battle. Considering how awesome the last two have been, it would take a lot to screw this one up. Peter Jackson is already going to go down in history for these films; I think that The Return of the King is just going to seal the deal.

The plot of The Matrix: Revolutions looks to be even more confusing than that of Reloaded. Still, even with the lackluster response that Reloaded got, I’m looking forward to it. There’s no doubt that there are going to be lots of great action sequences, but this movie is going to have to have the story to back them up. If the Wachowski’s are smart, they will have answered all of the major questions by the end of the film and not leave us wondering what the hell it is that we just saw.

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