Movie Reviews »

[23 Oct 2005 by Gnoll | One Comment | ]

I didn’t know what to expect when I loaded up on Zombie movies for this month’s tribute to the walking dead. I knew I’d probably have to wade through a bunch of the crappiest films ever made in order to really satisfy my zombie cravings, but I’m used to bad movies…

Movie Reviews »

[22 Oct 2005 by Beth | No Comment | ]

I am probably one of the only people in this dimension that was really
looking forward to seeing Resident Evil: Apocalypse. I’ll admit that I’m a
bit of a dork, and love both video games and all things zombie…

Movie Reviews »

[20 Oct 2005 by Gnoll | One Comment | ]

I don’t claim to be the world’s most respected authority on what constitutes a Zombie, but I think I’m pretty good at knowing when I see one. I will say that if the only thing that seperates a Zombie from its living counterpart is the color of its skin, then I would hesitate to call that thing a Zombie…

Articles »

[19 Oct 2005 by Beth | 4 Comments | ]

In the beginning there was George Romero (I know there were zombie movies made before Romero, but he is the father of the modern zombie movie, like it or not.) He made a movie about zombies tearing people to pieces and eating them, and it was good. There was an underlying theme about prejudice, but for the most part it was overshadowed by the violence…

Movie Reviews »

[18 Oct 2005 by Beth | One Comment | ]

This 60’s campfest also went by names such as Zombie, I Eat Your Flesh, and Voodoo Blood Bath before finally being landed with the odd name of I Eat Your Skin. There is, unfortunately, no skin eating anywhere in the movie, but that shouldn’t stop you from giving it a chance…

Movie Reviews »

[17 Oct 2005 by Beth | One Comment | ]

I was always a big fan of the Resident Evil games. I myself couldn’t get past the impossible controls or the maddening camera angles to get very far, and I’ll admit that the damn thing just made me too jumpy. So when I heard that they were making a Resident Evil movie I was pretty darn happy…

Movie Reviews »

[16 Oct 2005 by Gnoll | 3 Comments | ]

I figured that when I chose to undertake this zombie project that I’d be seeing a pretty wide array of movies that just so happened to feature the living dead. So when I saw Kung Fu Zombie out there, I decided I had to see it…

Top Tens »

[15 Oct 2005 by Beth | 2 Comments | ]

With all of the zombie madness around here I thought it fitting to compile a little list of the best lines you may or may not remember from the zombie genre. If you haven’t seen one of these movies, perhaps you’ll be inspired to check it out…

Movie Reviews »

[14 Oct 2005 by Beth | One Comment | ]

“Eat a bowl of fuck, I am here to party!” Quite possibly the best reason for seeing Night of the Demons is this confusing yet extremely funny line. It’ll also give you a pretty good idea of what you’re in for if you decide to watch this movie…

Movie Reviews »

[10 Oct 2005 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

It may be a stretch to lump Tim Burton’s latest offering in with the zombie fare that’s being featured on the site at the moment, but it is a few weeks before Halloween, so it’s still appropriate for the season…

Movie Reviews »

[9 Oct 2005 by TB | No Comment | ]

Chaka Khan lemme kill ya that’s all I wanna do.
Chaka Khan Captain Fuller let me kill for you, kill for you…

Movie Reviews »

[8 Oct 2005 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

Some films tell you exactly what you’re getting right there in the title. One such film is the appropriately titled Chopper Chicks in Zombietown, a fine film distributed from the good people at Troma…

Movie Reviews »

[3 Oct 2005 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

Any true Zombie movie fan will tell you that there are two men who have become synonymous with the genre. Of course, there’s the American master of the Living Dead, Mr. George Romero. But Italy’s favorite son in the world of Zombies is the one and only Lucio Fulci…

Movie Reviews »

[2 Oct 2005 by TB | No Comment | ]

The following transcript is an actual account of the debate over the rising interest in zombie film in modern Hollywood as an analogy to the war on terrorism. As this debate was not shown on C-Span, We here at MC4TR want to keep you abreast of political affairs with correlation to film and bring you, verbatim, the transcript that follows…

Featured, Movie Reviews »

[1 Oct 2005 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]
Enter…Zombie King (2003)

While seeking out movies to review for the 2005 Zombie Extravaganza here at MCFTR, I ran across a little Canadian flick called Enter…Zombie King. After reading the description, it was a no-brainer that this was the first on my list of films to see for this particular project…

Top Tens »

[25 Sep 2005 by Gnoll | One Comment | ]

Movie Reviews »

[19 Sep 2005 by Keeferman | No Comment | ]

Dear Romero Fans, I went to see Land of the Dead last night with you. It… was not good. I was severely disappointed. It wasn’t quite bad enough for me to want to find Romero, eviscerate Romero, and eat Romero while he dies screaming. I don’t even want my money back or anything. I had some fun. But come ON, dude…

Movie Reviews »

[18 Sep 2005 by Baldy | One Comment | ]

Okay, we got the kids back last weekend. Between us, we’d managed to see
most of the big summer movies. While going to see The Fantastic Four seemed like a good option for a few of the family members (read: the boys and me), Mom was the one who bought the tickets…

Movie Reviews »

[16 Sep 2005 by Baldy | 2 Comments | ]

Before I went on vacation about two weeks ago, my wife and I decided that we needed a night AWAY from the house. She’s the daughter of a former NFL
quarterback and I’m just a movie freak, so we decided to check out the recent remake of The Longest Yard

Movie Reviews »

[14 Sep 2005 by Beth | No Comment | ]

After seeing Revenge of the Sith two Sundays in a row I decided it was time to see something a little different this weekend. Being a Jet Li fan I chose Unleashed for this week’s outing. His movies don’t have much in the way of a plot, and throwing in a rapper or the r&b girl du jour doesn’t exactly coerce me into the theater…