Movie Reviews »

[13 Feb 2006 by Bobby | One Comment | ]

If you’ve ever read any of my reviews you know that they are usually brief and to the point…just like this one is going to be. Vampires fighting werewolves is just plain cool regardless of the movie that it takes place in so the Underworld franchise gets points for that without trying…

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[31 Jan 2006 by Gnoll | One Comment | ]

Movie Reviews »

[15 Jan 2006 by Baldy | 2 Comments | ]

Lots of real life lately: cancer in the family, sick animals, lots to do, a house to sell, Christmas madness. I needed a break. I got an e-mail from my buddy Chris, asking if I’d like to join him on Sunday in seeing Hostel. I hadn’t heard of it (I don’t watch TV), so dug on the web. I saw the film website. I looked up IMDB. I checked with discussion groups. A film about torture for money in the Eastern Bloc? How did I not know about this…

Movie Reviews »

[13 Jan 2006 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

To some people, 2005 will be remembered as the year of Terence Dashon Howard, the 36-year-old actor who managed to pull out multiple performances that were far better than the movies they were in…

Movie Reviews »

[30 Dec 2005 by Gnoll | One Comment | ]

One episode of South Park once proclaimed that all independent movies are about gay cowboys eating pudding. Ang Lee apparently took that to heart, changed pudding to beans, and made Brokeback Mountain, the most buzzed-about movie of the year…

Movie Reviews »

[18 Dec 2005 by Gnoll | 2 Comments | ]

Right now, as I type this, movie reviewers are putting together their top ten lists for 2005. And without a doubt, the vast majority of those critics are adding Crash to that list. Many already have…

Movie Reviews »

[14 Dec 2005 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

You know how when you were a kid, and you used to sing “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” with your schoolmates, you added your own little remarks at the end of each verse…

Movie Reviews »

[12 Dec 2005 by Baldy | One Comment | ]

My wife is gone this weekend, so it’s just me and the boys. What better to do than load up the new mommywagon and take them to see King Kong? I checked the listings and see that it’s not coming until Tuesday. Crud. The Chronicles of Narnia is showing, though…

Movie Reviews »

[12 Dec 2005 by Gnoll | 2 Comments | ]

A favorite subgenre of mine has always been the Christmas slasher flick. I’ve reveiwed a handful here at MCFTR over the years, starting with the cult classic Silent Night, Deadly Night several years ago and devoting practically the entire holiday season to the genre last year…

Movie Reviews »

[9 Dec 2005 by Gnoll | 2 Comments | ]

So what happens when you make a sequel to a sequel? I mean, most sequels beyond the first one are technically following the first sequel, which makes them sort of sequels to sequels, but I’m talking specifically when a sequel only really serves as a sequel to one particular sequel…

Movie Reviews »

[5 Dec 2005 by Gnoll | One Comment | ]

It’s been a while since we dropped in on our old pal, Jack Frost. Last year, in fact, when we reviewed the greatest Mutant Killer Snowman movie that shares its name with a Michael Keaton family film ever to be caught on film…

Movie Reviews »

[29 Nov 2005 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

If I’m going to start off the 2005 Christmas season right, I guess I ought to do so with a review of the latest bundle of holiday joy in movie theaters at this moment. What better way than with a tale of greed, deception, and murder, all of which just so happens to fall on Christmas Eve…

Movie Reviews »

[21 Nov 2005 by Baldy | No Comment | ]

I took the family on pilgrimage to see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire over the weekend. I say pilgrimage because all of us have read the books, and there’s usually some kind of tussle regarding who will get to read the new books first…

Articles »

[7 Nov 2005 by Chad | 2 Comments | ]

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[31 Oct 2005 by Beth | No Comment | ]
Doom (2005)

Movies based on video games are notorious for being awful. I believe Noel even wrote an article detailing the badness, but like a fool I gave Doom a chance anyway. I knew I wasn’t about to see a good movie by any means, but I at least expected it to be entertaining…

Movie Reviews »

[30 Oct 2005 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

Usually, the worse a movie is, the easier it is for me to write about it. Somehow, the opposite was true when it came to Redneck Zombies. This movie was easily the worst thing I saw during my Zombie tribute this year, and that’s saying a lot

Movie Reviews »

[27 Oct 2005 by Baldy | No Comment | ]

When MCFTR’s resident houngan sent out the call for zombie flicks, the first thing that came to mind was The Serpent and the Rainbow. After all, just about all of the other flicks out there are plainly fictitious and bear no resemblance to reality…

Movie Reviews »

[26 Oct 2005 by Beth | No Comment | ]

Our tasteful and discerning friends at The Sci-Fi Channel are back with another installment of The Return of the Living Dead series. Anybody who isn’t up to speed on the history of this twenty-year old franchise should stop by my review of Return of the Living Dead 4: Necropolis before venturing further if you don’t want to end up totally confused…

Movie Reviews »

[25 Oct 2005 by Beth | 2 Comments | ]

The Return of the Living Dead series began in 1985 and was a lovingly brutal homage/parody to the genre. The first two movies were intentionally funny, and had enough gore to make even the most totally desensitized sicko (me) happy. The third one; however, was only funny because it was so damn stupid…

Movie Reviews »

[24 Oct 2005 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

When you’re dealing with a film genre that involves dead people coming to life and eating the flesh of the living, it’s ironic that it’s so hard to take most of the films in it seriously. I mean, that sounds like pretty heavy duty serious shit…