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Jay’s Two Cents on the 2006 Movies

24 February 2007 by Jay No Comment

Caveat #1: I was pretty busy this year I didn’t get to watch too many movies. Basically if I didn’t see a movie at the drive-in or on dvd, I didn’t see it. I can only think of 2 movies I saw in a real theater all year (Borat and Superman).

Caveat #2: I got really busy in the past week with the whole having-a-baby-thing so I didn’t get to spend much time on this and so I didn’t give any reasons why I liked/disliked something.

BEST (in no particular order):
The Departed
Talledega Nights
V for Vendetta
Superman Returns
Jackass: Number Two
The Prestige
Thank You for Smoking

WORST (that I actually watched at least ½ of before turning it off or left)
Date Movie
Blood Rayne
Nacho Libre
Clerks II
X-Men: The Last Stand
The Omen

ACTUALLY WORTH SPENDING 2 HOURS TO WATCH (aka movies worth the spot in your Netflix queue)
Mission Impossible 3
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest
Grandma’s Boy
16 Blocks
Scary Movie 4
An Inconvenient Truth
The Black Dahlia
Lucky Number Slevin
A Scanner Darkly
The Break-Up
The Illusionist
My Super Ex-Girlfriend

DISSAPPOINTED WITH (aka movies I thought could/would/should have been better)
Lady in the Water
Da Vinci Code
X-Men: The Last Stand
Snakes on a Plane

MOVIES THAT I WANTED TO SEE BUT DIDN’T (aka movies that could be great or awful but I don’t have a clue)
Half Nelson
The Fountain
Pan’s Labyrinth
A Prairie Home Companion
Rocky Balboa
For Your Consideration
Who Killed the Electric Car
Blood Diamond
Casino Royale
Children of Men

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