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Noel’s Best and Worst of the Year

22 February 2007 by Gnoll No Comment

My Top Thirteen Movies of the Year:
1. Children of Men
2. The Departed
3. Little Children
4. Thank You for Smoking
5. Apocalypto
6. Borat
7. Stranger than Fiction
8. Half Nelson
9. Superman Returns
10. V For Vendetta
11. Rocky Balboa
12. Little Miss Sunshine
13. A Scanner Darkly

Biggest Surprise:
Lucky Number Slevin. Clever little thriller with a good cast.

Funniest Movies of the Year (not mentioned above)
1. Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby
2. Jackass Number Two
3. Tenacious D in the Pick of Destiny
4. Beerfest
5. Idiocracy

Other films worth seeing this year:
Cars, An Inconvenient Truth, This Film is Not Yet Rated, The Pursuit of Happyness, Blood Diamond, Clerks 2, Over the Hedge.

Biggest Disappointments of the Year:
1. For Your Consideration – Christopher Guest’s best when he’s doing mock documentaries. This was a misstep which frankly got a little boring by the end.
2. Snakes on a Plane – It was still pretty decently fun camp, but after the hype, it fizzled at the box office and just didn’t leave much of an impression.
3. Running Scared – I was only disappointed to find out that this wasn’t a remake of the Billy Crystal / Gregory Hines comedy from 20 years ago and that I wouldn’t hear Michael McDonald’s “Sweet Freedom”.

The Three Worst Movies of the Year:
1. The Da Vinci Code – I never read the book, and this sure didn’t make me want to. It was as if the screenwriter pulled out his wheel of cliches and gave it a spin every time he got stuck.
2. The Omen – The theater I saw this at had misspelled it on the Marquee as “THE OMAN”, and that’s exactly how I felt about it — “O Man!”.
3. Nacho Libre – I found Napoleon Dynamite marginally amusing, and I’ve always had a soft spot for Jack Black. Somehow, this managed to suck anyway.

Other movies I recommended passing on this year:
Scary Movie 4, Date Movie, 10 Items or Less, Click, Xmen: The Last Stand, Bobby, Happy Feet, The Sentinel, Dreamgirls

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