Terry Ranks the 2006 Movies

Best Movies of 2006
The 1st hour of Inland Empire
The 2nd hour of Inland Empire
The 3rd hour of Inland Empire
Movies That Were Well Worth the Time
V For Vendetta
Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby
Notorious Bettie Page
Movies That Were Somewhat Worth the Time
Little Miss Sunshine
Clerks II
Movies That Wasted My Time
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest
X Men 3: The Last Stand
Movies That I Knew would Waste My Time But Still Watched Only Because it Starred Alyson Hannigan.
Date Movie
Movies Worth Mentioning
Population 436
Jesus Camp
The ABCs of Sex Education for Trainables*
I am certain I saw plenty more and should add them, but I just sat through three hours of Inland Empire and my head is…trapped in the lodge with “the good Dale”. To all the other films I am sure I am leaving out, I apologize. Maybe if you had included a sitcom starring people in rabbit costumes in your film like David Lynch did, I may have been more inclined to mention it.
* Not really a 2006 film. I came across it 2006. Just Google it, baby (go ahead baby).
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