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In 1985, Hasbro fulfilled the dreams of millions of young boys by producing the largest playset in toy history: The U.S.S. Flagg, the (no pun intended) flagship of the G.I. Joe toy line. Thirty years later, it stands as one of the most iconic toys of all time, particularly for kids who grew up in the 1980s. For many, it is the Holy Grail of collectibles to this day.
Now, if you weren’t a ten year old boy in 1985 who was obsessed with “A Real American Hero”, you might not …
Articles, Reviews »

I’m pretty sure not everyone who reads this site is a fan of professional wrestling. Hell, I’ve barely even touched upon the subject over the last decade and a half, but I’ve been a fan of it all my life. And when I say that, I say it as someone who more often detests the product than enjoys it, but can’t ever fully wean myself off of it. I’ve done that as much as I ever have at this point, eschewing all other organizations other than the WWE, and even …
Articles, Reviews »

It was a lazy Sunday, and I was glancing at the channel listings. And as is often the case, I was treated to the usual – lots of terrible reality stuff, a thousand sports shows, and movies that I enjoy but seem to air all the damned time. I mean, I love Die Hard as much as anybody, but I’m not sure that it needs to be always airing on some channel on my cable listings at some point every weekend. On that note, I’ve never seen White Chicks, and …
Articles, Miscellany »

For those of you who know me personally, this is no real revelation. But for many of you reading this site, you may be surprised to know that I’m an AFOL: An Adult Fan of Lego. I confessed my lifelong love affair with plastic bricks a while back on Needless Things, but this may be the first time I’ve ever discussed it here on this site.
As a certified AFOL, I do a lot of things to feed my hobby. I have a LEGO room in my house, after all. I’m …
Top Tens »
Top Tens »

If you’re not aware of it, by 1979, there was so much disco on pop radio that you could probably count the number of non-disco songs on one hand that hit the number one spot. And during those formative years for the disco genre, many established musicians decided to cash in with disco tunes of their own…
Top Tens »
Podcasts »

It’s a special ALL-WRESTLEMANIA edition of the Dork Droppings Podcast! Gnoll and The Phantom Troublemaker run their mouths on the world of fake sports, touching on the following:
A recap of this past week’s Monday Night Raw.
A rundown of this weekend’s WrestleMania.
Predictions, praise, and gripes.
An exciting visit from a special guest!
Easter Egg outtakes!
Plus, we bring back the Haiku Corner, present a tribute to our favorite dead head-butting schizophrenic performance artist, and bring back the 90 second nutshell! It’s 82 minutes of aural ecstasy!
Music Credits: “Ochre Haze” performed by Cinetrope, …
Articles »

In order to prepare for WrestleMania 26, We’ll be doing some stuff this week that relates to that guiltiest of pleasures: the “sport” of professional wrestling. And while I’ve made some vague attempts to justify my being a fan of this art form for a quarter century now, I thought that it might help my cause if I demonstrated some of the actual bits of knowledge I managed to obtain as a wrestling fan…
Miscellany, Podcasts »

The Dork Droppings is back after a few weeks worth of hiatus. Gnoll and TB are back to discuss a wide variety of topics. Among the things we speak on:
Family Guy, Sarah Palin, & the Retarded.
Miley Cyrus’s little sister’s lingerie line.
Toddlers & Tiaras, the worst phenomenon in entertainment history.
Zombie Strippers.
Zombie Retards.
Zombie Cyborgs.
Nazis on the Moon.
Fantasy Entertainment.
Easter Egg outtakes!
Plus, we bring back the Haiku Corner, and a bit of monkey news! It’s 42 minutes of aural ecstasy!
Music Credits: “Ochre Haze” and “Malicious” performed by Cinetrope, from the album “This Strange …