Movie Reviews »

[16 Jun 2004 by Baldy | No Comment | ]

Tonight, I gathered the regulars to go and see THE CHRONICLES OF RIDDICK. There were Glenn, Rich and Chris (of PRISONER OF AZKABAN fame). Magge begged off because she doesn’t like to go out on school nights. Her loss…

Movie Reviews »

[8 Jun 2004 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

Newsflash, in case you didn’t figure it out by now: SHREK 2 is now in theaters. Just in case the 42.7 commercial spots per hour didn’t clue you in. Or the visages of Fiona and Donkey giving you the evil eye every time you step into the Post Office…

Movie Reviews »

[3 Jun 2004 by Baldy | No Comment | ]

Tonight, I got to go the Atlanta premiere of HARRY POTTER AND THE PRISONER OF AZKABAN. My old college roommate’s wife managed to snag a couple of passes from some contest on MTV. You see, she’s one of those folks who wholly submerged herself in the Cult of Frodo for the last several years…

Movie Reviews »

[27 May 2004 by Gnoll | 3 Comments | ]

Five years ago, I was working in a mall. My options for meals were pretty much limited to Wendy’s, Del Taco, Chick-Fil-A, and a handful of other joints that were bastions of artery-clogging food products…

Movie Reviews »

[20 May 2004 by Gnoll | 2 Comments | ]

I guess now that soccer is gaining popularity in the United States as it had already in most of the civilized world, it’s not too inconceivable that we might get a soccer movie or two making waves here in America…

Movie Reviews »

[18 May 2004 by Beth | No Comment | ]

I’m going to go ahead and admit that my main reasons for seeing this movie were Brad Pitt and Orlando Bloom. I’m also something of an ancient history buff, but I’m not going to try and kid myself…

Movie Reviews »

[12 May 2004 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

If you were like me, your biggest disappointment regarding MATCHSTICK MEN was the lack of Status Quo’s “Pictures of Matchstick Men” (or the Camper Van Beethoven cover) on the soundtrack…

Movie Reviews »

[28 Apr 2004 by Gnoll | 2 Comments | ]

When KILL BILL VOLUME 1 was released last fall, I was sure to be there opening night. After all, this was the latest film from Quentin Tarantino, the man who brought some of the greatest films of the last decade…

Movie Reviews »

[22 Apr 2004 by JK | One Comment | ]

THE PUNISHER is the latest in a long line of Marvel films; movies based on some of the more popular Marvel Comic properties. To date we’ve seen Spider-man swing from skyscrapers and into action, we’ve seen Blade slice and dice his way through thick groups of blood thirty vampires, and we’ve seen the Hulk go ape shit, destroying everything in his path…

Movie Reviews »

[12 Apr 2004 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

Okay, before I get started here, I’m going to address one point. I get a lot of flak here for my comments on the work of one Kevin Smith. I’ve gotten some nasty e-mails from Smith fanatics that wish me death for giving anything he touches less-than-stellar reviews…

Movie Reviews »

[8 Apr 2004 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

Okay, first things first. I did see Mel Gibson’s THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST several weeks ago, when it was still fairly new to the theater. I held off on reviewing the film for a variety of reasons, but it kinda pained me at the time, because I had a helluva lot to say about it…

Top Tens »

[6 Apr 2004 by Gnoll | One Comment | ]

Top Tens »

[3 Apr 2004 by Gnoll | 23 Comments | ]

As both a movie buff and a musicphile, I tend to pay a lot of attention to the music that appears in film. I think that the music in a film can really make or break it as an accomplishment. One thing I respected about Quentin Tarantino when he hit the scene was his amazing use of music. Obscure stuff from past decades that you hadn’t thought of in ages, used in sequences where it really helped to create a mood. Unfortunately, though, Tarantino was an anomaly. Too many filmmakers consider their musical selections an afterthought, throwing on some of the least-inspired banal crap you could possibly imagine. And all too often, they use songs that have been used again and again and again. And again. And again.

Movie Reviews »

[2 Apr 2004 by JK | No Comment | ]

Everybody deserves a second chance; unless you’re a woman, in which case you really deserve like three or four or something…

Movie Reviews »

[29 Mar 2004 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

Lord knows I’m a huge fan of the Coen Brothers. Yeah, I know that it’s all-too hipster to love everything that they do, but I still do…

Movie Reviews »

[26 Mar 2004 by JK | No Comment | ]

I’m pretty sure that when Eli Roth set out to make CABIN FEVER, he was intending on it becoming a cult classic. With no delusions that it would be a huge box office hit, he was laying most of his duckets down on the fact that this flick would rake in healthy DVD sales and rentals…

Movie Reviews »

[23 Mar 2004 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

Man, that title sure is a mouthful. Not that I would ever harp on the title of a film in relation to the overall quality of the finished product, but the title just sucks. Long ago, Chad wrote an article about how to title a film, and more importantly, how not to title your film…

Movie Reviews »

[19 Mar 2004 by JK | 2 Comments | ]

If you’ve ever seen a film that has been based off of a short story or novel penned by the prolific horror author, Stephen King, then you know exactly where this film
review of his latest attempt at a cinematic masterpiece, SECRET WINDOW, is going to go…

Movie Reviews »

[12 Mar 2004 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

For a while there, RUN RONNIE RUN seemed like the stuff of legend. Fans of the HBO sketch-comedy sensation Mr. Show with Bob and David have been anticipating the release of the feature debut from the program’s creators, Bob Odenkirk and David Cross…

Movie Reviews »

[10 Mar 2004 by JK | 3 Comments | ]

UPER TROOPERS is a low-budget indie comedy about a ragtag group of Highway cops faced with job possible job extinction, and gags galore…