Miscellany »

[16 Oct 2002 by Gnoll | 2 Comments | ]

Movie Reviews »

[14 Oct 2002 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

HEAVENLY CREATURES sits near the top of my list of all-time favorite movies. Since my first viewing of the film on video in 1995, I have been in love with this movie. And yet, after 7-odd years, I’ve never had the nerve to write about it…

Movie Reviews »

[11 Oct 2002 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

For the fans of the WB who’ve always wanted to see Dawson Leary punch Mary Camden in the face, this is the movie for you. Read no further, go and see it, enjoy…

Movie Reviews »

[11 Oct 2002 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

By this time the ‘coming of age’ teen angst film has surpassed being a genre. It’s become and institution. And while these types of movies have generally become hackneyed garbage, Occasionally one stands out and shines brighter than most of its peers…

Movie Reviews »

[10 Oct 2002 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

It has come to my attention that one of the fine underappreciated gems of the 1980’s teen sex comedy genre has reached its 20th anniversary year. That’s right, ZAPPED!, the movie that helped establish Scott Baio and Willie Aames as something more than a pair of TV series teens has reached a milestone…

Movie Reviews »

[18 Sep 2002 by Gnoll | 3 Comments | ]

You know, most of the time when you get a big-budget action movie done by a respected filmmaker that becomes a record-breaking smash hit, a sequel is inevitable…

Top Tens »

[15 Sep 2002 by Gnoll | 2 Comments | ]

You know ‘em, you love ‘em, but you just never really caught their names. They’re the comedic character actors, the guys added to comedy movies to bring the funny in secondary scenes. No, these guys aren’t the kind of folks who are going to get starring roles anytime soon in high-profile films, but they’re there where we need them.

Movie Reviews »

[12 Sep 2002 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

Clowns sure do get a bad rap when it comes to the movie industry. It’s not often that you get a movie that portrays the clown in a positive light. Then again, if you ask most people over the age of five, they’ll tell you that clowns are a creepy sort…

Movie Reviews »

[10 Sep 2002 by Gnoll | 5 Comments | ]

If I were writing a biography on Kevin Smith, I would likely title it “From First to Worst: A Tale of Squandered Potential and the Fear of Growing Up”…

Movie Reviews »

[3 Sep 2002 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

Last night I got bored. I really don’t get that bored that often on a random weeknight, but I did last night. Normally I can entertain myself for hours playing Roller Coaster Tycoon or reading Usenet…

Articles »

[20 Aug 2002 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

What’s hysterical to me is that the whole night seemed like a big joke that everyone in the building was in on…except Corey. Seriously. He was up on stage, putting his heart and sould in to the performance like he was Roger Daltrey or Mick Jagger, and the crowd is pointing and laughing. Even his band looked as i they knew they sucked, throwing the occasional smirk out there every now and then.

Articles »

[18 Aug 2002 by TB | No Comment | ]

The attack of September 11 gave America a taste of horror that has not touched our collective lips since Pearl Harbor. If anything positive can be dug out of the ashes of the fallen towers, it could arguably be the renewed sense of patriotism that has blanketed the nation. In the following weeks and months, we donned our hearts on our sleeves and our flag on just about wherever we could hang it. Now, eight months later, our sleeves seem to be a little less decorated.

Top Tens »

[15 Aug 2002 by Gnoll | One Comment | ]

The Corey era may be over, but these films will always stand out as reminders of just what Mr. Feldman has brought to the table for many years. Feldman’s body of work spans four decades, and he may have branched out in to other materials than film to express himself, but we’ll always have his movies.

Movie Reviews »

[29 Jul 2002 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

Well, after months of “looks pretty good so it’ll probably suck” anticipation, I finally was able to see the new Austin Powers movie this weekend, twice in one night, at the heralded Starlight Drive-In in East Atlanta…

Movie Reviews »

[19 Jul 2002 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

EIGHT LEGGED FREAKS is, for all basic purposes, a modern drive-in movie. So it’s fitting that I caught the movie on opening night at the famous Starlight Drive-In in Atlanta. There wasn’t any other way I was going to see this film. Not in a normal theater, no way. This had to be seen under the stars…

Movie Reviews »

[15 Jul 2002 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

Of all the token Horror movie franchises out there that originated in the late 70’s and early 80’s, the one that seems to stand out as king is the FRIDAY THE 13TH series. For pure camp and mindless fun, Jason has been the villain to beat…

Movie Reviews »

[10 Jul 2002 by Gnoll | 5 Comments | ]

Okay, First things first. I saw DOGMA in the theater in the summer of 1999 when it was originally released, after anticipating it for months. I fucking hated it. I just really felt it was forced drivel with poor execution…

Movie Reviews, Top Tens »

[4 Jun 2002 by Gnoll | 10 Comments | ]

Well, just to show you what kind of a hip, groovy, and with-it kind of guy that I am, I’ve decided today to dwell over a subject that tends to be a sore subject for most STAR WARS fans: that which is THE PHANTOM MENACE. Yes, the movie came out three years ago, and there’s been another STAR WARS movie since…

Movie Reviews »

[2 Jun 2002 by Bobby | 14 Comments | ]

The more I think about this movie, the more I hate it. Now, I saw it Wednesday night, midnight like many people. Afterwards I was one of few people defending it. I said “Sure the acting and the dialogue sucked, but there was plenty of good stuff too”…

Movie Reviews »

[15 May 2002 by TB | No Comment | ]

It comes down to this. Game tied 2-2. Bottom of the ninth, Hayes beat out an infield hit and stands on first as the potential go ahead run. Jake Taylor is at the plate. Hayes steals second. Taylor relays an idea to the coach in the dugout…