Movie Reviews »

[4 Dec 2003 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

It’s only a few weeks until Christmas, and that can only mean one thing: it’s time to break out the Muppets! And if you’ve been following MCFTR for any period of time, then you’re probably painfully aware that we (except, of course, for Terry, the heartless bastard that he is) have sort of a soft spot for those little Jim Henson creations…

Movie Reviews »

[1 Dec 2003 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: The Christmas season doesn’t officially start until the day after Thanksgiving. Sure, ELF was out in theaters three weeks ago, but I purposefully didn’t see or review it until after Turkey Day had come and gone, simply out of principle…

Articles »

[25 Nov 2003 by Gnoll | 2 Comments | ]

Top Tens »

[21 Nov 2003 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

Movie Reviews »

[18 Nov 2003 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

You may not be aware of this, but much like in the world of Comtemporary Christian music, there’s a bizarre subculture of Christian movies that are exactly this close to being mainstream entertainment…

Articles, Bootleg Toys »

[15 Nov 2003 by Gnoll | 9 Comments | ]

Movie Reviews »

[14 Nov 2003 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

Ironically, this review of a movie about comedians is going to be pretty serious. After all, it’s pretty ironic in itself that a film about comedians is pretty serious to begin with…

Movie Reviews »

[14 Nov 2003 by JK | No Comment | ]

The Coen Brothers (Ethan and Joel) have long since been respected by many for their unique vision, off-beat sense of humor, and subtle story telling style. Their films–no matter how recent–always seem to ring with a certain feeling of familiarity…

Movie Reviews »

[10 Nov 2003 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

A couple of years ago, I had the pleasure of meeting Bruce Campbell. No, it wasn’t any sort of great story or anything, I merely stood in line for two hours to have him sign my copy of his autobiography If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B-Movie Actor and then had a friend snap a picture of us so I could show it off to my coworkers…

Movie Reviews »

[30 Oct 2003 by Gnoll | 8 Comments | ]

You just can’t go wrong with a combination like this: A movie starring Family Ties ubernerd Skippy as a mullet-sporting metalhead, with special appearances by rock and roll legends Gene Simmons and Ozzy Osbourne, an original soundtrack by Fastway, and directed by Terry The Toad from AMERICAN GRAFFITI…

Movie Reviews »

[28 Oct 2003 by Gnoll | One Comment | ]

For those of you not familiar with MTV’s “Jackass” stunt-and-gross-out show, then I wonder just exactly where you’ve been for the last three or four years…

Movie Reviews »

[28 Oct 2003 by Gnoll | One Comment | ]

Take one part Italian splatterhouse flick, one part low-budget American slasher movie, and one part Japanese thriller. Add goofy soundtrack and lots of bad foleywork. Stir and Simmer for 110 minutes…

Movie Reviews »

[24 Oct 2003 by Gnoll | One Comment | ]

Using all conceivable laws of the known universe, I should despise THE LOST BOYS…

Movie Reviews »

[21 Oct 2003 by Gnoll | 2 Comments | ]

You could say that one mark of a truly great Rock and Roll band is the existence of a movie centered around them. The Beatles and The Who have had several each. Pink Floyd, The Band, and The Ramones all have films that they’ve taken part in…

Articles »

[17 Oct 2003 by TB | One Comment | ]

Articles, Bootleg Toys »

[15 Oct 2003 by Gnoll | 5 Comments | ]

Movie Reviews »

[15 Oct 2003 by Baldy | One Comment | ]

When our illustrious publisher (the Grassy Gnoll) asked for contributions in time for Halloween, he played to my strengths. He asked for the weird, the obscene, the over-the-top and the gory…

Articles »

[9 Oct 2003 by TB | No Comment | ]

Movie Reviews »

[7 Oct 2003 by Gnoll | One Comment | ]

I’ve been putting off writing a review of LOST IN TRANSLATION for a few days now. It’s one of the few films I’ve seen in a long time that I just can’t really think of how to even start talking about…

Movie Reviews »

[6 Oct 2003 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

The first thing I did when I walked out of the theater after seeing THE SCHOOL OF ROCK (well, besides standing in line to use a urinal, but that’s a given) was look for the movie poster to find out what the movie was rated…