Articles »

[6 Aug 2003 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

Well, once again, it’s time to run down the best and worst of Hollywood’s offerings during the all-so-crucial Summer months. Last year, we decided that the Oscars and other year-end awards were unfair in that they favored only the “serious” films that came out toward the end of the year (read: overrated studio junk), so the response was to set up a Summer awards article to give the spotlight to some of those movies, good or bad, that will likely get ignored come Oscar time…

Movie Reviews »

[1 Aug 2003 by TB | No Comment | ]

I bet the Country Bears would kick my lame ass live. They are musicians, and BEARS! I’ve seen a lot of shows in my time, but I have never seen a bunch of bears kick out the jams. I hope the Country Bears come to a venue near me….

Movie Reviews »

[1 Aug 2003 by Gnoll | One Comment | ]

I laughed quite a few times while watching AMERICAN WEDDING, and I’ll be the first to admit it. However, those laughs were generally in response to characters other than Steve Stifler, contrary to what you might hear from other people…

Top Tens »

[28 Jul 2003 by Gnoll | 5 Comments | ]

Okay, I swear I haven’t run out of things to write about. Just because I have opted to write about such a trivial subject as Breakfast Cereals on a supposed cutting-edge movie site should not alarm you. In fact, you should be delighted that I would probe to such depths to show just how much the motion picture industry permeates our daily lives…

Articles »

[25 Jul 2003 by Gnoll | 3 Comments | ]

Well, they finally went off and did it. The world of Computer Animation has finally gotten good enough to make a live-action Transformers movie. In the last few weeks or so, the announcement of such a movie has been made, and a lot of big name Hollywood folk have either been confirmed or rumored to be attached to it…

Movie Reviews »

[18 Jul 2003 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

One always treads lightly when coming upon moves about Pirates. While I absolutely love Pirates with all my being, they tend to wind up in some of the most abhorrent films ever to be made…

Movie Reviews »

[13 Jul 2003 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

It really sucks when it rains in Atlanta. I don’t know about your city, but I can pretty much guess that the denizens elsewhere in this country don’t behave like absolute retards as soon as the first sign of precipitation hits…

Movie Reviews »

[8 Jul 2003 by Gnoll | One Comment | ]

The 2003 Summer Movie season is on like neckbone right now, and in the next week or so, some of the Big Ass Summer Blockbuster Releases™ will be hitting theaters…

Movie Reviews »

[7 Jul 2003 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

I’m really suprised that I ever saw THE BIG KAHUNA. Not that it wasn’t something I’d had a keen interest in seeing since it first came out, but it’s the kind of movie that always
just sort of slips past by me when I pop in to the local video store…

Movie Reviews »

[4 Jul 2003 by Gnoll | 2 Comments | ]

Somehow, in the many years since I started reviewing films for shits and giggles, which eventually led to me reviewing movies for a website that lent itself to a dozen readers a month, to the fairly well-read site that you see here today, I somehow managed to never get around to reviewing the greatest B-movie ever made…

Movie Reviews »

[2 Jul 2003 by Gnoll | One Comment | ]

Here, I’m going to attempt to review the triumphant soon-to-be comedy classic JUST MARRIED. I say “attempt” because unlike most of the films I review here on the site, I haven’t actually seen JUST MARRIED…

Movie Reviews »

[24 Jun 2003 by Gnoll | One Comment | ]

I promised myself that I wouldn’t open my review of Ang Lee’s adaptation of THE HULK with any Kermit the Frog “It’s not easy being green” references, but I really couldn’t think of a better way to start the review. So there you go…

Movie Reviews »

[21 Jun 2003 by Gnoll | One Comment | ]

There’s a lot of bad movies out there. Tons of ’em. There’s different levels of bad movies in the world. There’s GLADIATOR bad, a bad in which the film is so grandiose that it tricks the average viewer into believing that it’s good…

Movie Reviews »

[17 Jun 2003 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

I’m going to do something that I never thought I’d do on this here website — nay, in this here lifetime. I’m going to confess something that may indeed shake the site to its very foundation. In fact, it may very well shake the Earth and knock kittens out of trees…

Movie Reviews »

[9 Jun 2003 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

The Theremin, for those not in the know, is an electronic musical instrument that operates without any contact by the person playing it. Rather, the player’s position in proximity to two points on the instrument decide the pitch and volume of the sound that comes from it…

Movie Reviews »

[6 Jun 2003 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

Okay, so ONE HOUR PHOTO is a disturbing film. I mean, you know this going in. So why, why, why did Mark Romanek have to show us a nice long shot of Mork from Ork taking a dump? I mean, there’s a lot of whacked out shit in this movie, but that shot takes the cake…

Movie Reviews »

[6 Jun 2003 by Gnoll | No Comment | ]

Sometimes, a movie comes along that begs one question: How the hell did this get greenlit?!?. I mean, sure, there are a lot of bad movies that come out each and every year, but at least most of them try and do something remotely different from anything we’ve ever seen before…

Movie Reviews »

[3 Jun 2003 by Gnoll | One Comment | ]

Well, Pixar entertainment and Disney has a whale of a record when it comes to feature films. So far, they’ve yet to disappoint, and their latest whopper FINDING NEMO is no different…

Movie Reviews »

[25 May 2003 by TB | One Comment | ]

Friday night was like most Friday nights in our nape of the neck. We went to our local eatery to have a nice meal, several cocktails and take in the ambience of suburbia. The doorman served us with a smile and promptly found us seats…

Movie Reviews »

[22 May 2003 by Gnoll | 6 Comments | ]

Since my employer decided last week that they no longer had any work for me and eliminated my position, thus nudging me unwillingly into the realm of the unemployed, I’ve done many a thing to pass the time…