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Thursday, July 08, 2004


More Spider-Man 2 action than you can shake a stick at.

Yeah, I saw it too, last Friday night in fact. I was planning on doing my own review, but a) I'm lazy and b) Justin promised me one so I felt I could justify my being lazy. But since this is the summer blockbuster du jour, I guess it merits a little of my own thoughts in lieu of an actual review.

First off, I got to sit next to my favorite people in all of moviegoing: the talkers! Now, I'm generally pretty unfriendly toward people who talk during movies. But most of those people are merely commenting on what's happening on the screen. But these talkers were a special breed of talker: the movie was in the way of their conversation. In other words, they talked the whole time. Opening credits to closing credits. Had their own conversation going. Now, I don't know about them, but I paid almost 20 bucks for a pair of tickets to see this movie. They must have gotten the extra-special talker's rate seats, though, thereby justifying their unrelenting conversation.

But on to the movie itself, I think that Justin's review pretty much covers the reasons why it rocks so goddamn hard. My girlfriend, who had never seen the first one and was pretty much uninterested in seeing part two, walked out loving it. It's just got everything that a superhero movie needs: A great hero, a great villain, a great story, and plenty of heart-stopping action scenes. Alfred Molina was perfect for Doc Ock, and really milked the whole sympathetic angle for all it was worth. The slow build of tension between Harry and Peter is being done perfectly, and looks to be setting up the next sequel as we speak. And if the first one didn't prove it enough, this one shows that Sam Raimi is a perfect choice for the director here. I especially love the scene where Otto is being operated on by Dr. John Landis and suddenly the scene turns in to THE EVIL DEAD. It's abso-frickin-lutely amazing.

So yeah, I couldn't have said it any better than Justin did. See it. I'm just hoping that the release of a new SPIDER-MAN movie means that I can expect to see a whole new world full of Spidey-Bootlegs for my knockoff toys collection.

Hopefully, reviews will be on the way for several movies, including FAHRENHEIT 9/11, ANCHORMAN, HARRY POTTER 3, and NAPOLEON DYNAMITE, assuming that I ever get a chance to go see any of them. Moving is hard work. However, holding the keys to your own home makes it all worth it.

- posted by Noel @ 8:43 AM