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Tuesday, April 13, 2004


Bootleggin' pays off, I guess.

This week, I was contacted by Wizard Press in regards to using some of the items featured in MCFTR's Bootleg Toy articles for coverage in their upcoming Spider-Man Mega Special this summer. Initially, they asked about just the fantastic Spider-Man Guitar you see here, but I've also sent along some of the other gems such as the Spider-Man laser gun and Spider-Man telephone. Everyone needs to check out the issue when it hits stands, I'm sure it'll be good for some chuckles.

So, yeah, I finally saw JERSEY GIRL. I actually had like no time to see it, with my weekend pretty much full, but I rushed out and saw an early showing because I'd been dying to see it (and needed to get a review up of something at some point.) And, well, I didn't like it. I know, I know...I'm too hard on Kevin Smith. Whatever. Fact is, I went in to the theater determined not to pick it apart, but it was just so...well, just read my review and see what I mean.

If this weekend has confirmed anything, it's that BILLY MADISON is still one of the funniest, most surreal movies ever.

- posted by Noel @ 2:56 PM