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Wednesday, March 31, 2004


Okay, I'm doing it. I'm really updating.

Yeah, it's been a while, but I've been running a mile a minute and the last time I tried to update this page Blogger ate my post so I just posted a lot of cursing in response. But look around you. Behold...MCFTR's New and Improved look!

Yes, I have re-coded all 350-plus pages worth of my website (by hand, of course) to give them a much more visually appealing look. Better visibility, easier navigation, overall aesthetically a much better deal. This has been something I'd been meaning to do for some time, but finally got the motivation thanks for a need to add a link to every page. Hope you like it, because it's gonna stay that way for a while.

Thanks to Brodie James of Living Corpse for supplying a bevy of content when I was too busy/lazy to provide any myself. Oh, everyone go check out the new "About" page as well, with a new FAQ format and some new mini-bios of the staff.

Lots of stuff out there now and in the next few weeks that I still need to see, so hopefully you'll get reviews of STARSKY & HUTCH, JERSEY GIRL, WALKING TALL, HELLBOY, THE PUNISHER, and KILL BILL V2 soon.

- posted by Noel @ 11:34 AM