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Thursday, January 22, 2004


Yeah, I'll bet you're wondering what the hell happened to this part of the site.

I really had good intentions when I reopened my blog a few months ago, and I still have good intentions of keeping it updated. I just haven't done it lately. I've still managed to write the occasional article, so it's not like I'm neglecting the site. I just haven't had much of note to mention here in blogland.

So far, this has been a movieless year for me. I'm not sure why, exactly, because outside of work and my trivia gigs I haven't exactly been monumentally busy in the last 22 days; but I've seen exactly one movie since the year began, and that was Big Fish on January 1st. Oh, sure, there's been a thousand movies I've watched part of on television lately, but I've seen all of those before. I intended to haul my lazy ass out to see 21 Grams and/or Monster and/or any number of other films in the theater, but it's been no use. I haven't even rented anything. I guess it's just the January lull, waiting for Oscar nominations to be announced and a real dearth of things I care about playing at the multiplex right now. Thankfully, the bootleg toys and Surreal Life reviews and help from Justin have helped flesh out the site a little more.

Also, everyone should register and post on the Message Boards and hopefully get a little more intelligent discussion going on than what's been happening there lately. Oh, and flamewars are encouraged too. I likes the controversy.

And, just so that I have what appears to be a real reason to update this sucker, I'll go ahead and run a snippet of really old news from a British magazine:

"No wonder Peter "Chewbacca" Mayhew is smiling. Not only has he been rescued from obscurity and given the chance to reprise his role as our Wookiee comrade for Episode III, but his contract also stipulates that he'd be required to appear in Episodes 7, 8, and 9.

Yes folks, seems there are actual whispers at Lucasfilm that the 'sequel' trilogy might be in the works..."

Of course, this means nothing other than the fact that Mayhew would be required to do them if there were an outside chance of it happening, but Carrie Fisher also came out and mentioned she'd be interested in playing Leia again, so take that for what it's worth. I'd prefer her not-aging-so-well-because-of-the-drugs presence to stay away personally, if only to preserve a modicum of the Leia fantasy.

- posted by Noel @ 10:59 AM