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Thursday, January 08, 2004


Today, I received the worst link I've ever received.

No, seriously.

Ulli's Roy Orbison In Clingfilm Website


"I retrieve some cling-film from the Clingfilm Stowage Compartment where several hundred of the translucent rolls of joy glint softly in the cabin lights.

"Roy Orbison unbuckles from his seat and floats out into the middle of the cabin, his black clothing billowing about him in the zero gravity like the folds of some black cloth manta ray."


"My mouth dry, I stand pressed against Roy, who is wrapped completely in clingfilm. Awkwardly, I pass the film around both of our waists several times, until we are bound together by the miracle substance. My synapses overload with joy."


"I am like an Egyptian priest enshrouding his Pharaoh. Soon, Roy Orbison is wrapped up in Clingfilm. I let out a soft mew of content and mutely acknowledge that all things work for the best in this world."

Now, let's see what the people have to say about it:

JoeyMcWilliams: quote of the day: In space, no-one can hear you squeak with pleasure.

lizerati: WTF?

sharronic: That is wrong

joethepeacock: im just going to yank my network cable and forget this all exists

GirlVinyl: freakish
GirlVinyl: needs pictures

There you have it, folks. The worst link ever. The internet has officially jumped the shark.

And yes, I am quite aware of the possibility that this is not real, and in fact am leaning toward that direction. It doesn't change the fact that it is the worst link ever.

- posted by Noel @ 11:47 AM