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Wednesday, December 24, 2003


Merry fuggin' Christmas.

I'm a day early, but I figure I'll be too bust running around doing Christmasy things to post anything tomorrow to update here. Not that I update here on a regular basis anyway, but it's good for an excuse.

My big finale for the Christmas articles was to be SANTA WITH MUSCLES, which I was going to hold off a day on, but I decided to forgo one other article and just try to relax for a minute. It's been busybusybusy, and as much as I love the whole anticipation of Christmas thing, I'm kinda glad it's almost over. My weekdays have been taken by my regular job and trying to get stuff watched for the site, and my weekends stuffed with my holiday job and trying to get all my shopping and parties taken care of. Today, I'm stuck at work for a half day, but starting at around 1 PM today, I'll be in full zoning mode for the next 48 hours. Whee.

The SANTA WITH MUSCLES article also didn't work out exactly as I hoped, thanks to stupid technology. My initial idea was to grab a whole bunch of screen captures from the movie and do a little more commentary on them, but the system I use to videocap is DOA. Last month, I had to Frankenstein a new computer because my motherboard was fried, and as a result, it looks like the chipset I am running now is incompatible with my video capture card. And unfortunately, finding screen grabs from this movie on the Internet was a lost cause. The great had its SWM article up over the last couple of weeks, but took it down too early for me to steal its images. Unfortunately, the ol' Internet archive and Google's cache would only provide the text of their article. I did find one other site that had a bunch of pics from the movie, but they were all password protected (all I got to see were thumbnails less than 100 pixels wide.) I could have joined the site to view them for seven bucks, but I had a problem with that for two reasons: One, I already spent ten bucks obtaining a copy of the godawful movie and wasn't about to spend any more; and Two, it was a creepy "Young Starlet Appreciation" site and that kind of shit just weirds me out, plus I don't want my name going into some FBI file because I joined a pay site that had pictures of young actresses on it.

So Anyway, have a Merry one, and I'll hopefully be back on track for normalcy in the next couple weeks.

- posted by Noel @ 8:03 AM