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Thursday, December 18, 2003


I've been urged by numerous people that I need to update the old Blogola, so here I am. It's been so long since I have that the web page that I use to update has fallen out of my browser cache. So although I really don't have anything interesting to say, I'll post anyway.

I've been in full holiday mode (read: busybusybusy) what with working two jobs (well, three actually, but two of them overlap timewise) and worrying about getting presents bought and wrapped and all that nonsense. I'm almost ready for Christmas, and I still have at least two or three holiday-themed articles for the site to post in the next week or so, as well as a non-holiday review. Big thanks to Justin and Terry for their contributions over the last couple weeks. It helps flesh out the site when I can't find time to do it myself. Justin's holiday-themed articles are particularly amusing, so go read his BUNDYFUL LIFE and BAD SANTA reviews if you haven't already. And also, make sure you check out the newest Bootleg Toys article, which contains some fun with Spider-man phones. They just appear to be relaxing in this picture, probably beat after a long day of posing.

Again, not much else going on. Next year should yield some positive changes for the site, so make sure you stick around.

- posted by Noel @ 10:31 AM