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Wednesday, December 03, 2003


Okay, okay. I'll update it.

You know, it's not often I have dreams that are even remotely lucid, and last night was no exception. But I do remember that the dreams I was having last night were pretty wacky. Okay, first off, Johnny Depp and Keanu Reeves were roommates in some weird contemporary house. Johnny was cool and collected, but Keanu was flipping out because he was jealous of Mr. Depp. He seemed to assume that Johnny was after his wife, who was not actually Charlize Theron, but was played by her. That's kind of funny, though, considering that Theron has played both of the actors' wives in different movies.

Then, there was a second part of that same dream or possibly an entirely different dream that took place in that same house. This time, I was living there, and I was keeping Metallica as pets. No, really. They all stayed in a huge pet carrier and slept in a bathtub and pooped in a litter box. So anyway, there was this fat nerdy kid who was going on all the talk shows saying that he was going to kidnap Metallica, and everyone chalked him up as a loon. One day, I heard a crash coming from the bathroom, and found my pet Metallicas missing. I think my alarm went off then.

With that out of the way, let me give you a site update of sorts. I'm going full steam into this Christmas thing, and while I won't spoil too much, let's just say I'm trying to make it a very Muppety Christmas. I'm still trying to procure certain yuletide gems to review between now and Santa day, so I don't want to say anything for sure yet, but there should be a good bit of holiday fun this year.

Also, if you ever wanted to be able to take MCFTR on the go, you'll have an opportunity soon. I'm currently editing a collection of articles from the site to be compiled into a book, which will be available for purchase from the Store link on your left soon. It's only a surface scan of the whole site, but it'll be a nice coffee table piece if nothing else.

Please excuse our mess while we make some changes to the site. The hard relaunch may not happen on January 1st as I had initially predicted, but you should notice some major changes to the look and feel of the site in the near future.

- posted by Noel @ 2:18 PM