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Monday, November 24, 2003


Still here. I swear.

I never thought that a court-ordered defensive driving class would be the source for a potential article on this site, but toward the end of the course I took on Saturday because of a rassafrassin' speeding ticket, I got to witness one of the greatest things ever filmed. Remember the Crash Dummies, Vince and Larry? No, not the Canadian band who did that "Mmm mmm" song, but the ones that rapped about buckling your safety belt? Well, this video starred them, and pitted them in all these scenarios where they tried to get people to learn about the dangers of driving without their seatbelts fastened. The best part about it? Their boss was played by the late Gordon Jump. Unfortunately, I can't find any info on this fine piece of film, but if I ever get a hold of a copy, I'll put up a review here.

While bored at work, I popped up some photoshop contest entries over at FARK. Here are a couple I submitted for a contest where the theme is "Video game heroes using their powers for evil".

And some additional ones I put up for the "movie marriages" thread a couple weeks ago, where I took a theme and ran with it.

- posted by Noel @ 9:34 AM