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Thursday, November 13, 2003


Okay, I was bored at work today and came upon this thread on FARK involving "movie marriages", so I decided to play along. What you see here is the result of randomly choosing two movie posters and giving them a rather ugly shotgun wedding. Enjoy.

- posted by Noel @ 8:31 AM

Wednesday, November 12, 2003


Yeah, I figure it's been a while since I updated this part of the website, and since there's no article today, I owe it to you to put something in here. Just you, though. Not him or her or them.

I've been working a lot on the backend of the site, getting some ideas for the Christmasization of the website that will soon be rearing its ugly head. I almost feel like I should go ahead and switch it over now, the way I've been bombarded by commercials related to Xmas and the way that the stores have gone all sorts of yuletide crazy. I swear, when I was a kid, Christmas didn't start until after Thanksgiving, now it starts creeping in before they can even get the pumpkins down. Anyway, I've got some articles in mind, including covering a DVD that my girlfriend bought for me because she rules as well as one of the best bad movies to ever be loosely based on the holiday season.

Also, if you hadn't noticed, I've been shaping up a lot of the graphics around here. It's amazing how long I went with a copy of PhotoShop 5 on my computer at home without ever learning to do much more than crop and resize pictures with it, considering the fact that within a week I've managed to become quite efficient with version 7. This is all quite convenient, considering I still plan to do a hard relaunch in January with an updated look to the site; however, the initial plan for that was to parody a particular corporate logo which (read the previous entry if you haven't already) I've decided to shelve.

I've decided that it's in my best interest to never leave home without my camera, and so hopefully I'll be able to recapture some of the images I beared witness to this past weekend for a future update. Anyway, until then, here's a few more of my handiwork with movie posters you may wish to peruse:

- posted by Noel @ 12:40 PM