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Thursday, November 06, 2003


When the folks over at CafePress tell you not to use copyrighted images, they mean it.

I just got dinged by them for my Bl*ckB*st*r-based images on the merchandise page, so there's not a whole lot to choose from on the MCFTR store at the moment. I think you can still buy a trucking hat and a license plate, but that's about it. Oh well. I guess it was too good to last.

But what really sucks, and probably the reason why they nailed me in the first place, is the next set of merchandise that I was getting set to launch. I uploaded a couple of these images yesterday, and they also got pulled from CafePress pretty much right after I uploaded them, I guess people do monitor this stuff after all, although that didn't stop several people from receiving merchandise ordered from the store. So if you're one of the few that has one of the MCFTR official items, hang on to it, because it just might turn into a collector's item one day.

So what was the new campaign gonna look like? Well, in order to come up with some better graphics for my front page when I got rid of the Halloween update, I installed a copy of Photoshop 7 on my computer at work. Boredom overtook me, and I decided to start doing some photo manipulation. Now, I'm no Photoshop expert by any means, but give me enough time and I can figure out the basics. What resulted from my play time was a handful of doctored posters from classic cinema that I have disguised as propaganda for this here website. So here you go, the MCFTR Movie Poster Parade. Click the thumbnails for a full-sized image, but since these were originally intended to be printed on T-shirts, some of them are very large images.

That was good for a couple days' worth of entertainment. The Reservoir Dogs was the first one I did, which was probably a mistake because I created the letters more or less from scratch. That's why it's all out of alignment and looks like shit. The Forbidden Planet is one of my favorites, even though it was a very simple one to do. Rocky was simple and looks good. Trainspotting makes me laugh. The Full Monty one was a pain in the ass to get right, and it still has some ugly spots, but it turned out okay.

Anyway, I'd like to get these out on shirts or as mini-posters in the future, and since CafePress is out of the question, I'll likely have to find a new route. Stay tuned if you're interested, and I'll also be getting some more of these up in the near future.

- posted by Noel @ 12:14 PM

Tuesday, November 04, 2003


It makes me sad to take down all of the festive Halloween decorations, but life goes on. Now we're headed straight for the year-end holidays of Christmas and New Years (and let's face it, nobody gives two shits about Thanksgiving anymore, so I'm not even going to trifle with any special theming for turkey day) so expect some new festive activities to occur soon.

I've been busy, busy, and more busy, so it's tough to say how much new material I will be able to get up in the next few weeks. It's gonna be even tougher when we hit the Christmas holidays and I start job #3 (I might as well be Jamaican, if those In Living Color skits taught me anything) but I do have some nice suprises in store for the X-mess theme this year. Oh, and I plan on doing a hard relaunch of the site around the first of the year, so keep checking back for a fresh new look.

I thought things were going to be even tougher when my main computer decided that it no longer had the will to live last week, but I've apparently resolved that issue. Thank goodness for the mountain of junker computers I've amassed as a result of my Yard Sale addiction, because the problem was relatively minor once I was able to do some experimenting. Turns out alls I needed to do was swap out the power supply, and I'm ready to rock and roll.

THE MATRIX: REVOLUTIONS comes out this week, and you know I'm looking forward to tearing it a new asshole, so hopefully I'll see and churn out a review of it in the next few days.

- posted by Noel @ 12:09 PM