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Thursday, October 16, 2003


Now, normally I wouldn't do this sort of thing, but this is just too good to resist. I get a fair amount of link exchange requests, most of which are from sites similair to mine: Independently-run pop culture and movie review sites. In almost all cases, I will offer to link the site in return for a reciprocal link. So I figured it was business as usual when I received this e-mail the other night:

Dear Portal Administration!

I have recently come across your site and liked it very much.

I suppose that the visitors of our resources belong to the same social group and my site could be useful for your audience so I suggest to exchange our links. This will help both of us to increase Link-Popularity and accordingly get top positions in many searching system, Google for instance.

Now, that doesn't sound too unusual, does it? Sure, there's a little broken English, but it sounds like just another link request from a site with similair content, right?

Well, I kept reading the e-mail, and let's just take a look at the next line, as matter-of-factly as they put it:

My site is dedicated to guns.

And sure enough, it is. And I'm not talking about some euphemism like large breasts or bicep muscles, I'm talking revolvers and shotguns and the like. How they came to the conclusion that their readers and mine might share interests is a wonder, but I guess it takes all kinds.

Anyway, I just thought I'd share. Still haven't had time to get any new content up in the last few days, so I've decided to appease the masses by re-posting Terry's Zombie essay from a couple of months ago. It's funny, it fits the theme, and I've cleaned it up to go with the holiday look. Go check it out.

- posted by Noel @ 7:36 AM

Wednesday, October 15, 2003


Yesterday was the busiest day ever. For that reason, there was no sort of site update at all. You see, on Monday afternoon I found a car on the AutoTrader website that sounded promising, so I called to arrange a test drive. Next thing you know, I was in love. This car was immaculate, ran great, and was pretty much the ideal car I had been eyeing for my budget. So I jumped in headfirst and decided I needed to make it mine. So yesterday I went in to work an hour and a half early, waited for my loan to get to me, drove from the South end of the Atlanta Perimeter to midtown where I live, then way out to the North end of the Perimeter to buy the car. After that, I had to go back to work for the next three and a half hours, got out just in time to deal with some horrible traffic, ran to Staples to get supplies for my first gig with the trivia company, got home in time to load up my equipment and haul ass to the gig. By the time the gig (which was pretty stressful, their PA was shot to hell) was over, I was so tired I could barely see. A stiff drink later, and I was out cold.

So please forgive me when I tell you that I was just too a) busy and b) stressed to update anything here.

Hopefully, I'll be able to get some of the promised Halloween material up on the site by next week. Oh, and if you were curious about the quality of the products on the MCFTR store, I received my baseball jersey yesterday, and it turned out very nice. So go buy something!

- posted by Noel @ 10:28 AM

Monday, October 13, 2003


Okay, it was a helluva weekend, and I'm going to go ahead and say it now: Chad was right when he said KILL BILL was the shit. I was very impressed with it, regardless of how much I said I thought it was going to suck in my Fall Preview I wrote a month ago. So that's three I've been wrong on now (see also SCHOOL OF ROCK and THE RUNDOWN), but it's par for the course when you're a pessimist. Anyway, I loved it. Pure escapism, and it really takes that fantastic world that Quentin Tarantino has created in his other films and puts a whole new spin on it where Japanese airlines allow samurai swords in First Class and missing coma patients are no big deal. Seriously, I've read people's reviews that dwell on the lack of realism as a negative, but as Chad said, they just don't get it. It's not supposed to be real. But alas, this is about all I'm gonna write about it, because while I could go on and on about the movie, there's no way I can touch the emotion and passion that Chad put into his, so I'm not even gonna try.

You also will want to check out the Pootie Tang song Terry composed in the Multimedia Section. It's, uh, well, different, but it's about as catchy as mono.

I start a new job this week in addition to my regular 9 to 5, hosting trivia at various restaurants in the Atlanta area. It shouldn't interfere with the time I use to work on the site, however, unless I get some monumental workload at the real job. But it's a nice bit of extra cash and should be a whole lot of fun. After years of being the guy answering the questions to try and earn my bar tab, I guess it's fitting that I actually start asking the questions. Oh, and if you want to find out what the hell my cat is whispering sweet nothings into the ear of, click on the picture. Like I said, it was a helluva weekend, and I have the bootlegged toys to prove it.

- posted by Noel @ 11:00 AM