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Friday, October 03, 2003


Figure if I'm gonna get with the holiday spirit, I might as well spruce up the ol' blog too.

Hey, if you haven't read Chad's Kill Bill review, you should. It's really awesome and shows a lot of passion. I guess that's what happens when you have a man right in the middle of the action. Oh, also, you should read my Scary Clowns article, even if you already have, because I revamped it to reflect the Halloween gig.

Probably won't have any new articles up until next week, but this weekend I hope to get out and see Lost in Translation or School of Rock or both, so I should have a review up of whatever I see by Mondayish. I've also passed some lyrics on to Terry the music guy and will hopefull have some new Multimedia offerings up in the near future.

And remember when I was bitching about that keyboard from hell last week? I resloved the problem for two dollars at a yard sale last week. All I can say is this:

All hail the Microsoft Office Keyboard.

- posted by Noel @ 9:28 AM

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

I'm updating here for a couple of reasons, most notably to gloat about the fact that my computer appears to be working again the way it's supposed to. The other day, my main home PC decided that after a reboot, it was going to give me the old "Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. We're sorry for the inconvenience".

Inconvenience? Inconvenience? My entire Operating System isn't stable enough to stay open, and that's an Inconvenience? Well, thankfully, I was able to keep it stable enough to try a system restore, which failed. So I tried installing some patches and registry tweaks, and no dice. I ran Norton Antivirus, Ad-Aware 6, SpyBot S&D, and HijackThis, and still had the problem. Finally, after running System File Checker and doing a defrag, I appear to have the situation under control.

Weird things happened with the clown article I posted today, too. It seems my server spit up an old copy of the page at around 9:21 PM, about five hours after I posted the final version. The early version contains a typo or two, and the text isn't formatted right. I can't figure out for the life of me why my hosting company somehow dug up an overwritten file, but I should have the final copy back up by 9AMish EST on Thursday.

Oh, and I just received a big fat Kill Bill review from Chad, which will be up first thing tomorrow. Eight days before it hits theaters. MCFTR is cutting edge, baby.

Buy things for yourself. Then buy things for me.

Monday, September 29, 2003

Now is the time that you should go and buy stuff from the MCFTR store.

Five years ago, when this site was launched into the world of cyberspace from a crappy little P1 with a 2G hard drive and a practically useless free hosting company, I never figured that I'd still be at it today, putting in hours of labor and pumping money into it to keep it interesting. I also never thought I'd have actual readers, meaning those who didn't get a link from me in e-mail or other people who contributed to the site. Nowadays, I'm not pulling in numbers or anything, but the site gets a pretty enviable number of hits daily without a whole lot of advertising. For those who have linked us from your blogs and personal pages, thank you greatly. You guys help spread the word and keep me motivated to keep the content here fresh.

But yeah, the point of all this is still to plug the merchandise page, which can be accessed from the front page or simply by clicking here. There's a whole lot to choose from, and the prices are pretty reasonable, so there should be something for everyone who's willing to chip in a few bucks to help the cause. A little extra cash to go toward bandwidth and content investments are sure to do wonders to keep this site as strong as it is, so any purchases will be greatly appreciated.

I'm still trying to work out some new material for the Halloween theme, as well as writing some song lyrics for our Multimedia archive. This week, I hope to get up a Lost in Translation review and may get around to finishing up a couple of articles I've had on the backburner for some time.