Peep the Blog archives here.

Thursday, September 25, 2003

Well, I guess it's still a bit early to start dragging out Halloween-themed articles, so I've only loosely tied the Muppets From Space review to the theme. Really loosely. While typing out my review, I drew additional inspiration by listening to my Muppets 25th Anniversary CD, which you should own if you don't already. Nothing like a remastered digital-quality version of Mahna Mahna to get the creative juices flowing.

Don't buy it! Only click this link to know your enemy!Oh yeah, the thing I mentioned about the keyboard? I'm dead serious. This thing is a pain in the ass. My already carpal-tunnel-infested wrists are hating this flat angle, and unfortunately, I got issued the one laptop at my job that only has USB connectors, so a standard serial keyboard is useless (and adapters don't work, already tried one.) So my public service for today is to steer you the hell away from this infernal thing-------->

Oh yeah, I don't want to spoil anything, but I'm looking at a major site overhaul by the start of the new year. I mean, like majorly drastic. No, the content isn't changing, and we're not selling out or anything, but looking to make a lot of aesthetic and functional improvements. Keep an eye out for it.

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Thanks to Justin for this image:

I guess they found Nemo.

On a lighter note, how many of you out there in readerville have ever wanted to see MCFTR merchandise? Well, It's about to be here, thanks to the fine folks at CafePress and my wonderfully l33t Photoshopping skillz. Since I'm imagehappy today, here's a preview of what you can wear proudly in just a matter of time:

Comic soon, at a relatively low price.

Tuesday, September 23, 2003


Whoo, I got bored, so I went ahead and popped up the Halloween page early. I'm also gathering some ideas for articles, and believe you me, there's some gooders, so be sure to check back for updates over the next five weeks or so. Oh, and I'm not handing out candy this year, so just like back off.

Monday, September 22, 2003

Now that I have a blog and everything I guess I oughtta update it every now and again, yathink?

Well, I guess there's always the option of filling you in on what's going on behind the scenes here at MCFTR. As I did last year, I'm planning on going all kinds of festive for the Halloween season, so I'll be giving the front page a makeover as well as updating the site with some spooky content. I'll likely be doing a lot of reposts of holiday-related reviews and articles, but I'll also be coming up with some new material. If you've got any suggestions, feel free to let me know.

On top of that, I've aligned myself with a couple of new affiliates here at MCFTR. The first one is a television variety show that airs in Canada, called The Jack E. Jett show. I've spoken to Mr. Jett, and will be reviewing some of his programming. Hopefully the show will make its way here to the U.S. in the near future.

Also, for all you indy film buffs out there, check out Barfighter. The filmmakers describe it as a mix between Jackass and Spinal Tap, and if the trailers are any indication, it's a riot. I've got a copy on its way now, and will be reviewing it in the near future as well.

There's a lot of other stuff I've got in store for the site, so if you see a few days go without an update, don't fret too much. I do this in my spare time, and sometimes either don't have time or just plain don't feel like updating. But I assure you, there's plenty of tricks up my sleeve. I've got plenty of student films and TV stuff I'm waiting to vidcap and get posted real soon, so keep an eye out.

And as a special treat, since you stuck it out this far, here's a shot of my uber-dorky toy wall.

Okay, this time, it's really back.

Not much to say here, but stay tuned for updates regarding the site that don't merit an entire article. This week, prepare for reviews of Muppets from Space and The Rundown, plus whatever else I can pull out of my ass.

I hate blogs, what can I say?