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Tuesday, August 12, 2003

I had a Jason v. Freddy dream last night.


I dreamt the entire plot of the movie. It was actually way better than the real thing will be, I'm sure. First off, it retained the continuity of Jason X and was set far in the future, possibly on Earth. It mainly took place in a cave. It was a deep character overhaul for Freddy, who after tormenting a group of soldier type people actually joined forces with them to take on Jason, who only appeared at the end of the movie for the final battle. The final fight scene was breathtaking, or at least I remember it to be. Unfortunately, I woke up before it ended.

It's kinda sad that JvF is the last movie this summer I'm actually interested in seeing. Other than it and Spy Kids 3-D, that's about all she wrote for me.

- posted by Noel @ 9:59 AM