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Episode Four: Highway to Hell
Review by Noel Wood

Yes, even in the midst of the Troma-filled Halloween season, the third season of The Surreal Life continues. So far, our latest gang of celebrity hanger-ons have met, displayed weird sexual tension, and put on a concert. This week, their mission is clear. They're even pulling an old playbook out of the original season's events. It's Casino Time!

The day begins like any other. Early bird Dave is working out, while Flav talks about the time he spent in jail. The Surreal Times arrives, and we learn that Charo will be putting on a special performance at a San Diego casino. The paper calls Charo "World Reknowned", an adjective that Charo thinks is supposed to be an insult.

The gang loads up the truck and moves away from Beverly, hopping into an oversized Winnebago. Flav wants to drive, citing the fact that he was once a school bus driver. Oh, and that he also learned to drive by stealing cars when he was younger. Dave assumes the role of the pilot, though, but Flav seems dejected by the fact that it's not him in the driver's seat.

They finally arrive at the hotel, but the concierge breaks some bad news to them: the place is filled to the brim. In fact, one hotel suite remains, and the five non-Charo members of the cast will have to duke it out in the casino to find out who gets the room. The losers will have to sleep in the RV. The gang is split between the sexes, and the guys set out against the girls to see who can make out the best while gambling.

Brigitte and Ryan seem to be riding high at first, playing it conservatively on lower-stakes games like Blackjack. Flav, Dave, and Jordan go off on their own, and while Flav blows his share on Roulette, Dave and Jordan stay off of the casino floor. When the final tallies are made, the boys are the winners. Ryan ain't satisfied with this, so she finagles her way to a free suite for her and Brigitte by agreeing to perform that night.

However, the suite that the boys win only has one bed. Nobody wants to sleep in the same room as Flav's snoring ass, so Dave sleeps in the closet while Jordan takes up shelter in the now empty Winnebago. Flav wants to call up room service and order a "bowl of women with Ketchup".

Charo's performance begins, and while the guys are there, the girls are nowhere to be found. Turns out Ryan has been taken over by Gamblor and can't stay away from the casino floor. The boys get a little ticked that they've been dissed, but eventually Ryan and Brigitte arrive...about 45 minutes late. Charo wails on her guitar and sings "cuchi cuchi" a lot, and Ryan is so touched by her performance that she wants to cry.

After the show, they all pay their respects to out Spanish senior cast member, but Brigitte has been mesmerized by a male dancer in charo's performance. His name is Enrique, and Brigitte falls for him because of the fact that he's Mexican, which gives him "European flavor", apparently. Flav, of course, feels his world falling apart because his woman has blown him off.

Ryan pulls a shitty move and skips out on her obligation to perform. It'd have been nice if the hotel security team tossed her bony ass out on the street or made her go sleep in the Winnebago with Jordan, but the worst she has to face from this point forward is an intoxicated Brigitte (who'da thunk it?) bringing back Enrique to the room and seeking permission to get busy on the bed. Ryan flips her "bitch switch" again and Brigitte sends Enrique packing.

And that's about it. This was a pretty uneventful and painfully uninteresting episode of The Surreal Life, which reinforces my problems I was having with the first couple of episodes. There's just no chemistry with this crew, especially compared with the last two casts. I'm not sure how many more episodes we have to endure of this, but I do know that next week involves Flav bargaining for his shot to drive the 'Bago home and some surfing lessons for the cast. Oh, great, just what we need: yet another reason for Brigitte Nielsen to start stripping off clothing.

This season is starting to make me feel like Flavor did when Brigitte decided to go after her newest boy toy: totally dissed.

All Material Copyright © 1998-2004 Movie Criticism for the Retarded.

For questions, comments, or the occasional stalking letter, send mail to Noel Wood. Please give proper credit when using any materials found within this site.

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November 22, 2004
1. National Treasure (35.3M)
2. The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (33.5M)
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7. Ray (4.6M)
8. The Grudge (3.8M)
9. Seed of Chucky (3.1M)
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