So, how exactly am I supposed to take this news?
It's official: Michael Bay will be directing a live-action film based on "The Transformers."
Variety announces today that the "Bad Boys" and "Pearl Harbor" director will direct the feature for Dreamworks, with Steven Spielberg serving in an executive producer role and Alex Kurtzman and Robert Orci penning the screenplay.
"The Transformers" were a pop culture phenomenon in the 1980s which originated as warring toy robots that morphed into bigger bots. The toys later spawned several cartoons and even a 1986 cartoon movie.
"The Transformers" movie is expected to be CGI heavy with lots of visual effects. The project is slated for a Thanksgiving 2006 release.
Now, on one hand, I should be pissed. I mean, it's Michael Goddamn Bay, the guy that made such mindless shit as Bad Boys, Armageddon, and The Rock. Oh, and and as Trey Parker and Matt Stone so eloquently put it in Team America, "Michael Bay missed the point when he made Pearl Harbor".
But, on the other hand, it's Michael Bay. And while he's made a whole lot of cinematic extensions to his penis, he's also competent and a huge, huge name.
Now, I love The Transformers. I'm a nerd like that. And while I hold them sacred, I realize that it's a property based on a children's toy line. And that being said, it's not like this is Shakespeare or anything like that. So it almost seems like a blessing that someone who's more than capable of making a watchable action flick is behind it. Beside, it's got the backing of Tom DeSanto and Steven Friggin' Spielberg, so it can't be that bad, can it?
Regardless, my biggest disappointment is that I won't get a chance to see it until next November. That's a helluva long time ot wait for Transformers goodness.
So in the meantime, I guess this will suffice.