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Thursday, December 23, 2004

So, I was actually doing a pretty good job of updating regularly there for a while, huh?

T-minus 1 day 'til X-mas, and I'm relieved. Yeah, I'm looking forward to the festivities and all, but I just want to relax. For some idiotic reason, I opted to take a third job again this holiday season, so my free time has been virtually nonexistent. I did manage to get most of the movies I had in mind reviewed for the site this season, and I may still have another one in the bag, although it might pop up a few days after X-mas day. We;ll see.

Not a whole lot of news in my world, but I figured I owed you a bloggy update before the holiday season wrapped up. But I do know this: The Socs are gonna kick some Goonie ass when this is all said and done.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

I finally joined the rest of the 21st century and joined Netflix at the end of September. I had balked on joining previously because I get so busy sometimes that I'll go a month or more without renting a movie, and didn't figure I'd get my money's worth. But when I was doing the Troma tribute for Halloween, I needed quick access to a decent number of Troma DVDs, not readily available at the local video holes. Also, the price dropped to 17.95 a month, so I fugured it was as good a time as any. After Halloween, I have since rented three more movies, all of which have been sitting in a stack next to my television for a few weeks. Not exactly getting my 17.95 worth this month.

So while scouting for some good stuff to review this Christmas, Netflix disappointed me. They didn't have a very good selection beyond what you can find at any old video store chain. Netflix was also kind of annoying me by not carrying some non-movie stuff I've been wanting to see. So I did something I might regret. Like Anakin Skywalker, I was lured in by the dark side.

I joined the Bl*ckB*ster online rental club.

I hate to say it, but they have a better selection than Netflix. Also, they're 50 cents a month cheaper. But I'm not giving up on Netflix. I figure that the Blockbuster thing will be temporary, and I'll go back to the innovators before too long. But I was feeling like I needed to confess this little sin to somebody, and because I'm not a practicing Catholic, you were my only outlet.

I waqs going to write some Star Wars pondering here, but I realized that it probably made me seem more nerdish than I felt like being right now, so I abstained from it. Enjoy the holidays, and be on the lookout for new articles in the next couple days.


All Material Copyright © 1998-2006 Movie Criticism for the Retarded.

For questions, comments, or the occasional stalking letter, send mail to Noel Wood. Please give proper credit when using any materials found within this site.

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